Running friends are the best-
Wednesday, October 23rd
Wanted to get a run in before work
Shuttled myself back to Berg Park-
To try to repeat the running magic of yesterday
The parking lot is overflowing
I know it's just the nearby Hotel's parking traffic
But I wonder what the fuss is all about
It's only Wednesday
And this is Farmington, after all
I pick a spot
And who should be parking next to me
But my friend S- and her hubby
Oh snap!
My mind chatters
Do they see me?
Should I just wait in the car,
So that they get out first
And get their run on before I set foot on that trail?
They're sooooooo fast!
They did see me
I sheepishly smile and wave
We get out,
And S- asks to take the trail with me,
While her hubby guns it- on his own
Why yes!!!!
I've secretly wished for a running buddy
This crazy life of wife and mommy hood, mixed with snatches of work-
Leaves little time for friendship
And how I've missed that
The run was fantastic
Catching up - perfect
Bits of laughter
Knowing we're not alone on this journey
Is comforting
Having a like minded friend
a gift
We take trails bridges
Some turns I always take
Some I'd yet to try
Walk when I got winded
Then run again
S- and her hubby-
Running friends are the best-