Switching it up- to be fit for the work
Thursday, October 24th
I'm at a crossroads with running
Not a love it or leave it thing-
Just a realization that,
Without pushing myself
I have and will continue to become stagnant
I need to switch things up
That means
Speed work
And getting nitty gritty
With numbers
Wish me luck
Ever the procrastinator,
I'm always planning to start THAT stuff ......tomorrow
"Jam tomorrow-
Jam yesterday-
But never, never, never, today"
Must be overcome
I will say, though
I've been 'switching it up'
By adding in other things to my running routine
Hubby's and my schedule
Have finally aligned
So that I can work out with him
At least 3 -4 days a week
He's a gym rat-
Tightly wound
You should see him push himself
And those weights!
It's been fun too
Just be in awe of him
And his tenacity for working towards a goal
Lifting's been good for me too
It's been about 2months
And I'm starting to feel stronger
I guess
Running gives me confidence-that I will never be stranded anywhere
(If I can go for 6 ungodly hours in a marathon, I can run a highway for help- right?)
Weights give me confidence- that I am strong enough to do just about anything
With each
I'm reminded that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made"
We have a responsibility to 'keep ourselves', so we can be fit for the work we are called to do
Pilates Reformer class today-
If you've never tried it
You should-
If you're local, check out the spa for their class schedule
It's the most amazing workout
Because of my work schedule
It's been about a year and a half
Since I've gotten to take in this class
Today I was reminded why I love it so much
Intense muscle work
Deep down pain
I know I will be sore tomorrow
My glute got a Charlie horse just driving home-
It's good to try new things-
Revisit old favorites
Switch it up a bit
To be fit for the work....