
Showing posts from 2014

New trail

My little man cub had football conditioning tonight. I raised my hand at the dinner table and said  "I'll take you! Pick me pick me!!!" 'Cause I knew it meant guilt free running time for me I wore my new trusty running skirt sans capris- it was hot and I'm over being self conscious of the whole legs out thing...  Deposited man cub at practice,  And off I went-  First stop- the park It has a nice half mile path and lots of trees  The run was easy   People were happy  Picnicking, playing  I soaked it in Legs out Feeling almost confident See my granny tan?!? That's what I get for wearing capris allllll the time! I ran that a few times, but soon tired of the rat race a half mile loop affords-  I headed back I thought I'd run the college But as I neared,  I saw this foot path   I'd seen it before and always wondered Today I'd find out where it went...

Flip a switch and go on a Dark Run-

So I have this thing called a marathon coming up I swear it's my last And since technically you only have one shot at running your last marathon I've got to do this one right. Right? I was going to complain about how I'm not motivated And already burnt out on running Although I don't know how I could be burnt out when I'm not even running Pity me blah blah blah But last night around 9:30pm A switch flipped Annnnnnnd there it was I got the running bug Holy hallelujah That's what I'm talking about So excited There was nothing left to do but get geared up and head out For a dark run Now there's something about a dark run E ven better if the dark is at night Morning runs are meticulously planned I don't remember the last time  I accidentally woke up at 4  And decided to randomly head out to run But a night run? Now that's a bit of heaven   There's something spontaneous You don't plan Th...

Lost and found

Ok guys Here's the rub I have forever--- and I mean forever Been one to be thoughtful of other runners Not just runners either, come to think of it I've been thoughtful of the whole human race And maybe dog or two that might happen to care But not anymore Nope I've gone shameless And I blame it on the cleaning lady. It all started innocently enough The family packed up for a fun trip I packed everything but the kitchen sink Trusty capris and running skirt that have been with me since day one- Packed. I know this- Because I vaguely remember unpacking them And putting them into the drawers at our hotel But the second day into our vacay They're gone No capris. No running skirt. Really? I rummage through everyone else's drawers-my suitcase Nada Did the cleaning lady gank it or what? Lucky for me, there's a Target Great I rummage through their running stuff Try on a gazillion capri and running skirt combos (that's a lie- t...

I need to see you out there- that is all

Hey you-- Yes,  you Old guy with the fanny pack and white sneakers trucking up that hill, arms swinging  You Teenie bopper short shorts running to 'be seen' You  Stroller momma, with your magician like slight of hand reaching to reinsert a pacifier without so much as a hiccup in your stride You Big guy catching your breath at the light Willing yourself to cross the road rather than turn back toward home You  Faster than fast couple training together At record pace You  Inspire me Please don't stop I need to see you  Dedicated Smiling  Undeterred Fighting to not quit Smashing personal goals Out there That is all

Shiprock race report-

  Shiprock Marathon Report   So remember Shiprock last year? Hot and bare The beauty of a culture Seeing mile upon mile The quiet calm Waiting The first time mileage scared me Read that report here   When this year's race popped up as a black Friday discount- I hit send And entered the full But 20 weeks later Found myself reconsidering that impulse buy, and exchanged it for the 1/2   Glad I did --------------------------------   This year I knew where to go for packet pick-up But hitched a ride offered by Violinrunning   This year  I remembered to take a pic of the bloodsausage stand   She and I had a good laugh When she said: "It's probably the best bloodsausage from the back of a blue Taurus you'll ever have" Too bad we didn't get any,  On account of:  Her being vegetarian,  And Me being... Well... Chicken.      ...

Saturday's Marathon -Half Off!

Eeek!  It's marathon week- The past few days had me scavenger hunting running gear-  Loads upon loads of laundry in and out of the washer,  Just to find my favorite shirt-  Drawer digging to find the urban halo headband I'd gotten from violin running-  That for some reason, my mind labled 'special' and tucked away, never to be seen again I say it's marathon week, because in my mind- it is-  I signed up for it in December on Black Friday-  Yep Impulse buy Crazy how that happens And while training had a few bright spots- And a few courageous long runs The mileage under my belt was less than stellar  Where did that 20 weeks go?  Panic-  Sooooo I emailed the shiprock race director,  And got myself a half off deal- Half marathon it is! My excitement is returning I got butterflies before a run the other day for the first time in a looooong time It's a good thing My goal is to finish before they do awards  At 11 I'll keep you posted (...

A little list

I had milestone birthday,  The big 4-0 And although I laughed it off as nothing new – milestone birthdays always give you time for reflection  This is some of the stuff I came up with 1. Be thankful for today – look for something in the very moment you're living in, and find good in it So many times we forget  Or we look at all the hard things in the day, Never realizing that when we look back-  We most often will look at how good those days were- Why not embrace today as if it were that great glorious memory... 2. Love, love, love on your kids-  As I get older, I  realize they're getting older too –  And although my kids aren't quite what one would consider old yet,  I'm realizing the time is slipping by  I'm also realizing that love isn't about things It's about moments shared   Think of your favorite childhood memories... Do that for your kids 3. E mbrace the chaos Don't give into excuses  But Don't give in to the lie that if it...

The jog

Monday, March 31st A buddy run Molls is hands down the best running buddy She cheered me on High fived me And made me laugh with her silly antics For those of you not in the know- This is how you run... After showing off a bit and running circles around me She stopped "Mom,"  She she said in her serious 6yr old voice- "Ummm... Do all moms ONLY know how to jog?" I laughed,  (I thought I was running)  Then I told her, some moms were fast- very, very, fast- And asked if we should try to run like that-   She shook her head "Naw---" She was done  She had more important stuff to work on  Like handstands  *** Love her Loved the run Or as she would put it-  The jog


Let's dish Where do I start Has it really been a month since I've posted?  Instagram has been my running diary as of late-  But man,  Have I  had some great runs     On one run, I found this fairy tree-  And it made my heart stop-  It reminded me of the elf tree at Lake Harriet  Oh that tree is magic!  See photos and Read a blog post on it here ----- Then there was that run that had me giggling at the geese-  Were they playing hide and seek?  (See the goose sitting in the tree-so still? While the goose on the ground looks for him- 'Where's Waldo'? The sky was so crazy that day I took a ton of tree pics-   Such a menacing sky for such a gorgeous day ----- Then there was the run where I took a new path and found three more miles Love it when that happens ...