The Long Run- in which I kept my legs and wits about me

Last week's long run
I could live off that 

It was everything and more

I kept my legs and my wits about me

And even managed a few cool pics along the way

Half way through-
I realized I needed a 'break' 
This served well for that
Brain decompressed
Bonk averted

Then saw this next bit
And chuckled 

(I wish the picture came out better)
It says:
"Don't liter"
Spellcheck much?
I think they meant to spray paint "litter"
In the football team's defense, 
I did post a comment in January under one of Dave's posts on Facebook 

I was proud to respond with
A simple witty comment that simply said 


2 hours later, 
This is me

That my oh so witty remark was terribly spelled wrong
I thought all day whether to go back and re-comment 
"Haha I meant-- karma silly auto correct!"
But knew no one would buy it-

It's been bugging me ever since
I take this opportunity 
Let you all know that I know 
That happened- sigh
Oh-- and Dave DID run that treadmill
A nod to true karma for knocking -said machine- all these years
I suggest you read all about it HERE
The rest of the run was a blur
But I do remember this
It was good
I made it with
No bonk

This is progress 



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