
Showing posts from 2017

Just Move Forward

My friend Erica posted on Facebook last night that there would be a new Body Combat class starting in the morning at 5:30 AM –  I got excited- Time change makes it easy to get back into the early morning exercise routine With my hubby out of town a group class would make it fun- -While she posted ‘Body Combat’   I read -‘Body Pump’  Body Pump uses weights, and I’ve done it quite a bit –  I was excited to go But when I got to class, nobody was setting up –  There were no benches  No bars  Just a bunch of women standing around  I thought “these poor girls they don’t know what to do” And I started to grab some weights –  Erica said “Hey Heather, this is Combat...” And then it hit me  COMBAT— Yeah... Combat was  One of the first classes I took five years ago  when I decided to take charge of my healt That  really bad class that made me cry The class that made me say I can’t  ...

It just might be laundry day

Goodness I just had to run- anybody else get the bug, even though you are stuck in the rut of non-running- have no business being on the road for lack o said running annnnnnnnnnnd.... It’s laundry day Yep that was me...  so so so sos sos sos Yes, that is a cry for help...  because I only had those cute spandexy leggings that you buy because they make you feel like a million bucks  Only to get home to the reality that you should not be out in those things... and relegate them to pj status That’s what was on the docket for running attire Or jeans   Ladies and Gentlemen I’m so glad this happened to me Because I threw those puppies on And went out and ran   And it was fabulous and wonderful And it made me wonder If every time I’ve snickered silently as I drove past someone in a not so hot running choice  Maybe,  just maybe,  it’s laundry day Can we just run with that from now on?!?!?  Laundry day can cover a multitude of sins And free us up to hi...

Cabin run

Want to see some gorgeous pics? There's something about the cabin that makes me want to get out and run!  Here's some pics from last nights "run"  It wasn't a "real" run- because it was mostly walking- but I'm calling it a run because I ran home from the top - so I wouldn't be gone to long. Next time I take this road- I'm running the whole thing- i want to get farther up!  I love how the roads here curve, begging you to go a little further Love the wildflowers Love the coolness that comes as you find yourself surrounded by treesLove the sky and how it changes  Love the birds and chipmunks singing me on or chastising me for being in their territory Love being by myself soaking it all in This is where its at.  Just get out and see where the road takes you Take a pic to share, talk about it- inspire someone to go further.

The day after

I shouldn't be blogging about this.  I'm hoping it doesn't jinx me But hubs and I have started back at the working out thing.  We just came back from Cali And isnt' there something about California that gets your mind thinking--- Maybe it's the sun the sand and the waves. I don't  know-  but here we are, driving back that long trek back from Cali to New Mexico,  and we're chatting about being more consistent with our health goals.   Now mind you, hubs has no trouble with consistency and discipline and all that jazz It's me...I'm such a goooooooood snoozer in the mornings  I mean deep restful restorative things are happening at 4:45 in the morning.  And that's when we need to be getting up and working out. I'm thinking this is why some of that beauty is missing in my sleep.... hmmmmmmm Isn't it the absolute funniest thing to see someone working out on their day 1?!?! (Insert laughing/crying emoji)  That was us We were in it to win it!  Th...

Finding what works and working it...balance and accountability

Part of me feels a little guilty for picking this blog back up again, and a little nervous. But I've thought about it,  It brings me joy and a little bit of personal accountability And I'm a sharing kind of gal..... so if you want to come along for the ride- buckle up There's something quite fun about finding what works Have I arrived?  Haha nope- but I've got so many good peices to the puzzle in place, I feel it's high time i share. But mostly these next few weeks I will hone in on the idea of Balance-  so I will be talking about these areas God Family Exercise  Clean eating I'll share what I've learned or am learning along the way- mostly a personal diary of sorts.  Today my devotions really hit me hard.  I'm a little put out (sarcasm) because I've simply been trying to instill daily devotions in my youngest Molly so the past week or so I've been sitting down and using the simple idea of S.O.A.P. With her....


Hello January!  Here we are nearly halfway through it.  I feel like the New Mexico weather is working it's blustery magic on my calendar and blowing through the days. Hubs is traveling more lately, so I feel like we count weeks by when he's home. He's my workout buddy too, and I feel it when he's gone, fighting to keep momentum up in his absence. Today it would be a lunch run. Everything felt right except the weather.  Wind on wind. But I didn't care I'm realizing that if I want it- I've got to stop making excuses and just go. So glad I did  It was wonderful.   

I give up and give in

I give up It's been months now- seeing a footpath on the side of the road and having this feeling that I should be on it.    Driving, and finding myself thinking this road would make a good run route Measuring time in how many miles I could have run...  Oh me-  I think I'm a runner It makes me laugh- I'm not one to describe myself in sporting terms-  Like I'm some athlete or something- but here I am wishing I was that girl I just passed jogging it up the hill.... Surely this is some weird cold weather induced phase I stall things by making a list of what I really should pick up before embarking on this whole running thing again...  Things like socks-  yeah I'm out (my kids realized I bought the good stuff and slowly started stealing them- then losing just one of each pair they stole)  I've got one pair of running shoes left- I really think I should have two...  Silliness like this-  Then I realized I used to run in my hubby's sweats and ...