
Showing posts from 2018

Enough Already

I want to tell you that you are enough-  That God doesn't make junk-  That you were created for something much more that you ever imagined I want to tell you that you can.  We all have our faults, fallen short, unworthy.  But- here's the deal. The price has been paid by someone else on your behalf Suck it up already and take the gift. We are blessed.  Not because things are perfect or easy But because we realize where the good things come from Every good and perfect gift commeth down from the Father....  New Year’s is around the corner, and I find myself asking- Did I do enough? Enough fun, enough work, enough family time...enough? My routines haven't been perfect, i know that much-  So i look forward to buckling down and gettting more into the swing  But this year has proven to be amazing in some respects  I feel like my spiritual walk has gotten stronger.  That my desire to do things well has grown. I’ve grown in areas I’ve long though...

Fire Sunset

First long run Let’s just say there’s a confidence that comes in running a few 3 milers-  You get a little cocky and the muscle memory of it all starts coming back Fast? Naw- But does it really matter? You haven’t run in ages  Just getting out is a feat You hand out high-fives Claim to the world that you’re back And take your rest day like you’re a king Complete with way too many chocolate chip cookies Then comes Saturday  Well,  Friday night  comes first You’ve got 6 miles on your mind And you dice it to cut it down to size You plan to run 3 miles then double back How hard can that be Aside from the fact that the first couple 3 and 4 had you  Sucking air Side stitched Hot Tired Legs like lead No biggie Outfit picked Even threw some KT tape on the ball of your foot On account of it trying to blister Ready Saturday sunrise Sleep in Life happens Too hot to afternoon it Excuses Sunday Sleep in Church All the things Packing packing packing for the cabin And dri...


Well guys, I’m back at it Running I know what you’re thinking “She’s said that before” But... I’ve run 3 times in the last 5 days I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious... Go ahead and giggle—- I did. So here’s a rundown... Because I know you’re curious It’s hot Really hot I forgot how odd the first few runs are You have all the confidence in the world But none of the staying power Everything’s moving Everything It feels weird So you stop Catch your breath Start back up Only this time your earbud falls out So you stop Catch your breath Start back up But the shirt you picked has sleeves And it’s sunny Super sunny You worry about a farmer tan So you stop  Catch your breath... And on it goes Wow, this running stuff is not what I remembered Do you ever feel that way? Overwhelmed because things aren’t going how you thought they would? You paralyze yourself thinking about wh...