10:56 One Sunday Night

It's 10:56 one Sunday night...Or should I say 10:57... I just read two nights ago, that people who stay up too late gain weight. Great.... I used to use my grandma Ruby and all our ancestry as an exuse... "You've got the Nelson spread" she'd say... Then I'd use my kids~ Kate I gained 50, lost 40 just to get pregnant with Riley...(can't remember stats on him....he's the middle child ~ so you know how stats get lost) then MOLLY~ I blame her all the time for EVERYTHING (I'll make it up to her later)....

But now YAHOO news has educated me... It's the THRILL of the night that is to blame.

Last night I went to bed early.

Today, I slept through the entire service at church ( Sorry Pastor Dan)

It's now 11:06~ my palms are sweaty...I should go to bed. But I JUST got the computer from Ryan, and there are blogs to read, status posts and pics to view....

11:09~ Surely it's "early" somewhere?


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