Between the Lines...

I'm a paper kind of gal... I love the feel of it, the look of it, the smell of it. I like the randomness of handwriting too. I can tell what kind of day I'm having by how it looks. All this is lost to me in a blog.

Yet here I am, determined to figure out this blogging thing. So off I go to "post"... what another stark term... "post". I love words and how they roll and bounce around in your head. POST... weird word that one... I highly doubt Emily "Post" would think there much etiquette in "blogging" or typing up a Post.... very one-sided...and a bit self indulgent...

oh well....
read between the lines.....


Karalea said…
Blogging is FUN!!!!! I love reading other peoples' blogs!
Mari said…
I am all the way back here, reading from your 2010 blog.. and loving it. as you describe how much you love paper and writing.. I am reminded of a beautiful gift you made for me (from my BF in college)... that song your wrote out so beautifully. I can see why you enjoy the art of writing.. not just for all the words, but the beauty of how it looks on the paper. However, I am enjoying reading your blog.. it takes imagination, just the same, to feel what you are feeling.. smell what you are smelling... taste what you are tasting.. and that doesn't change whether it's here on the computer, or written beautifully on paper..

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