Dialogue of Denial

SO... it was bound to happen... I just was living in denial. I remember as a kid, nervously waiting for the prognosis every year.... hoping upon hope, that the inevitable wouldn't happen... and it never did, 'til yesterday. Now I know what happens to your stomach when the dentist says you have a CAVITY. 

ME: "No I don't HAVE a cavity... I've never had one." *polite smile*

DR.HILTON: As he poked the pokey thing into my tooth and said, "feel that, (poke/stick/stuck) THAT is a cavity." *polite smile*

ME: " I have sealants...I said with conviction ( solving the poke/stick/stuck mystery for him) *polite smile*

DR.HILTON:  Calmly asking his assistant, " could you go get THE LAZER?" She gives him a knowing look....

5 minutes later it is confirmed by Dr....by the "laser"..... I have a cavity.....No denying *SIGH*

So I document this momentus occasion with pics taken by molly.

reality setting in....

 Did I mention Molly had 5 cavities!?%#! (who's HER mom? SHouldn't someone call child services!?)

Molly "helped" by holding the drill


Mari said…
lol... "polite smile".. you are so adorable... poor Molly!!!

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