Crazy grin people- make me jealous

So– today I ate a Hershey bar 
And dreamed of being a master seamstress while rummaging through the remnant bin at Walmart 
Instead of going for a run

I know, I know, I hear ya-
That sounds silly 
especially now- when you put it on paper 

Saw a guy out running when I headed home from said Walmart 
Felt a little guilty as he smiled and waved when I drove by-
He grinned almost as if to say 
'I got my run in, how about you?'

Put the groceries away 
Head back out to pick the kids up from VBS 
Only to see the same guy 
Really, really- the same guy-
Still running it 
Grinning like a crazed happy thing-

Must have been his long run-
I tell myself- on account of that grin-
Those endorphins kicking in overtime for sure on this one...
Made me jealous

The mornings here are perfect now, 
It's what we call monsoon season here in New Mexico – 
Although 'monsoon' in New Mexico means something totally different than say-Africa
But you knew that

It sprinkles off and on for maybe an hour-sometimes 2 if we're lucky -
But we'll take it –
And we'll Instagram videos of the rain puddling on our windshields
And our friends will watch it over, and over in awe of it's beauty
We'll even Facebook shout out that- "it's raining!" 
Just in case our neighborhood is luckier than the one across town- 
Bragging rights abound- when it comes to rain here.
last night, it rained enough to have water run in our newly river rocked drainage ditch- 
It was beautiful
A sight to behold 
Like our own little creek

Now dry
Till next rain

Fingers crossed it will be tonight
We'll sit on the back porch 
And watch
Play chess
Smell the rain 
As only you can here

I might run later
if not ---
it's an early one for me tomorrow 
Got to keep on, keeping on-
Til then, make me jealous 
and show me how it's done
Crazy grin people 
Crazy grin


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