For the love

I had an epiphany while I was slugging it out on the road, doing my rendition of what I call running-

You see, running has been hard as of late--
Don't get me wrong, I've had my share of drama to make running a necessity 
Enough happiness to embrace the joy it brings
enough 'everything' to make taking that leap out the door worth it

But here it was staring me in the face
I had no guts
No drive

So this is what apathy feels like

I hate it

I bought a running book
Found my garmin stuffed in my junk drawer
Pulled out the new pair of socks I'd been saving for such occasions

Photocopied not just one-
But three- yes, 3 running programs-
Taped them dutifully to the inside of my cupboard door for motivation
And that's all I could muster
That, and a few 4 mile runs to appease the running karma I was sure to be tempting with all this lack of mojo


I gave up my insane Durango Joes' iced caramel macchiato habit- for fear my waistline would take advantage of me-
And started buying sugar snap peas

But then, one night, I decided to try to make chocolate chip cookies.....

You see, of all the things in the world my honey loves- 
Chocolate chip cookies are the Mecca of Meccas when it comes to making my hubby happy

That is, IF you make them juuuuuust right
He likes them crunchy on the outside, 
A bit mounded in the middle, 
maybe even a slight bit cake like on the inside---
And don't forget the 'flip test', 
were you flip said cookie over- 
to look for the golden brown perfection....

You know--- just like his mom makes---

I've been unsuccessfully working at it for 13 years---

Now- before you go pitying me and start husband bashing---
Take a deep breath
He's the best honey in the world-
I'd pick him a thousand times over and over and over
I love him with everything that is in me
He's amazing, kind, good

Can we please make this man some cookies!?!?!?!

So I did some research,
Found a fabulous site devoted to perfecting cookies, 
Finally bought some metal cookie sheets he's told me could be the missing link
Prayed over the dough

And SHAZMAmmmmmmmm!

I'm a cookie baking diva

Thirteen stinking years
And suddenly I'm the goddess of chocolate chip happiness--

Hubby told me how glad he was I'd not given up-

All is right with the world
All that cookie tasting sends me running
Or should I say 'slogging'...
That leads to the epiphany
That, no matter how long it takes- you can succeed 
If only you don't give up the trying

I've got to run
I committed to it-
Only 14 weeks til marathon #3

Stinging memory of a dismal marathon #2 still fresh in my mind
I won't let that happen again

I've just got to keep on keeping on
Find the joy
And share it...



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