It's a big sky kind of day-

It's a big sky kind of day, and I'm glad 
Glad to feel so small

There are times when  you feel like you can conquer the world 
That your opinion is the only one that matters 
The sheer strength of your tenacity pulling you through life – 

And then there's that sky 
That sky that tells you something different

I woke up today a little late, but it was okay 
Time spent with family and friends that make you stay up late from laughing 
Talking together 
Make you kind to yourself when the alarm sounds

Laced up and out the door to get some miles in before the day began
And then there was that sky-

The sky that makes you realize you're not alone 
You're not as big 
Indispensable as you thought you were
It's awe-inspiring

You'd think that realizing how infinitesimal the world is compared to the rest of creation – 
You'd be discouraged

But no -
None of that here
See, a big sky means there's someone even bigger that put it all in place

It's a big sky kind of day
And I'm glad

Glad I saw it

It's going to be a good day


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