
Showing posts from 2013

Random elliptical babbling- and what's on the menu

So--- Today I'm staying home and thrashing around on my elliptical machine instead of going for a run I'm dictating this blog post to Siri while exercising – Yeah, not the most blog worthy- But hey- There's something extremely tantalizing about being able to exercise in a flimsy tank top and yoga pants in the comfort and warmth of your own home That – and I'm trying to figure out what to make for dinner tonight Groceries have been ridiculous lately, So I've boycotted the grocery store entirely, until humanly impossible to feed my family with what we have in the house. Last night was pretty scrappy –  I made some weird tricolor tortellini mac & cheese  concoction  with a hint of green chile, Accompanied by Southwest crusted fish – I thought that adding green chili to my macaroni would somehow unify the meal, But I was mistaken...  It was miserable . Sigh- I must do better But Tonight won't be winning any prizes Tonight's options include: Something with ri...


Saturday, December 7th Brrrrrr-  I had grand plans for a longish run today- Well, longish for what I've been up to lately- I was thinking 7 would be nice Then I slept in And the laundry started screaming for attention And -and -and--- I was back peddling from even stepping out the door  Nope-  Not giving in so easily today Pawed through drawers  Found some running gear Threw it on Annnnnnd we're off Brrrr it's cold  I brush it off and keep on going Brrrrrr it's cold What in the world is the temp anyway?? I check  It says 23 I'm not sure if I should be impressed It feels so cold Especially for New Mexico My arms burn and tingle The wind seems to search me out But the sky is amazing  I love the clouds The way they play off the landscape Take a less traveled road And catch my breath  At a beautiful southwest entry Decked for the holidays So lovely Just like this day Brrrr it's cold Only 5  in the books today But I don't care I know this is just...

Morning stroll

Tuesday December 3rd This morning my son ry and I got out early again- My phone was totally dead, so no endomondo to track time or distance No pics today either We jogged Walked And chatted I can't tell you how nice it was I know there'll come a day  When we both look back on these  Early mornings with Fond memories It feels like such a beautiful gift

Black Friday/Saturday Fog

Friday, November 29th So this just happened Signed up for Shiprock marathon Yep I know, I know, it was a hard one for me last year- (read about it here ) But two weeks ago As the fam and I drove past shiprock on our way to Scottsdale  I found myself Wishing for a chance to run it again Then the Black Friday discount link- A marathon for $50? Yes please So I did it Snapped me up a Black Friday marathon deal -------------   Saturday, November 30th The fog was amazing on my morning run We don't get fog much here in NM It felt like another world Gave new meaning to the phrase "Running in a fog" Rather liked it Not so derogatory as I'd perceived it must be Glisten Ice crystals Sparkle No way to capture it To touch it, makes it disappear You just have to believe me It was amazing    

Turkey trot - proud mom moment+ personal PR

Saturday November 23rd Today was fantastic Son Ry ran his first 5k My goal for him was that he would have a blast, and come away with a good feeling about the sport Night before jitters Found us Being goofy as we got our race stuff situated-   Took him 2 minutes Me 2 hours and a load of laundry Next morning had us up and ready Cheesy grins still in play There's just something about pinning on a race bib,  That puts  Butterflies in my stomach Ry says he's cool But I can tell he's feeling it too Pre-race selfies We were early So we wandered the porta potties They had a handicapped one that felt like the Taj Mahal, it was amazing (shoulda snapped a pic) Got coffee  And tea No hot cocoa???? Really? Wandered a bit more Then went back to the jeep To sit for a bit To keep warm,  And cool our jets Sitting there so peaceful like- When BAM!!!  Crazy stranger face in my window Scream!!!!! Laugh It's only marathon Mike My wacky brother-in-law  Fam in tow We chat A...

Full heart

Wednesday, November 20th There's something quite fun in having someone to share a run with- I'm going on day 2 with the cutest running buddy on the block Seems my son has got the running bug I love it Yesterday he had me wake him This morning, he woke me up His energy and excitement is contagious We high five as we pass each other  Smiles Bravado of a kid who's comfortable  Nothing better than this Nothing Full heart

That's the beauty- pics

Wednesday November 13th, Another exciting run Exciting, because I think I've found a way to balance  My love for not being crazy concerned about speed  With my need to focus on it-  No, I did not choose a life of schizophrenia,   Tempting as that may be Just toying with the idea of  Planned run/walk training I need to perhaps read a book on it But for now, I've just set endomondo To tell me to run for 5 minutes Then walk for 1 I can do this It feels like a game And I run faster Trying to get my 5 minutes in So my walk break brings me to  A perfect picture spot I don't feel rushed Or lazy  Or anything Just really content Maybe I've found something that works for me And that's the beauty of this thing called running You're never done Never arrived Always something new Something more Something different  Running is ever changing Always beautiful  Always gifting me with new happiness Thankful Blessed

Red letter day

Today was a red letter day- Veterans Day  As I headed out for my run I must admit,  It wasn't on my mind New charts New angles  Trying to dissect this thing I love called running Down to its lowest common denominator  So that magically  It will click And like clockwork  I will transform  My slow self Into something  Less so 3 marathons down  You'd think I'd know Which way to go at it  So that the next  Will be better Violin Running Nailed it When we texted  On the subject- "Start from scratch" She said She was right But Just how does one Begin again? Today I did And It was amazing Halfway through I stopped thinking of the run And let it take care of itself I stopped thinking about me My mind began to think of the day The pride I have for this great country For those who gave all That I may run free

Photo run

Wednesday October 30th, They say: "A picture's worth a thousand words" Here's a few thousand that took my breath away           

Switching it up- to be fit for the work

Thursday, October 24th I'm at a crossroads with running Not a love it or leave it thing- Just a realization that, Without pushing myself I have and will continue to become stagnant I need to switch things up That means  Speed work Strength And getting nitty gritty With numbers Wish me luck Ever the procrastinator,  I'm always planning to start THAT stuff ......tomorrow My  "Jam tomorrow- Jam yesterday- But never, never, never, today" Mentality Must be overcome I will say, though I've been 'switching it up' By adding in other things to my running routine Hubby's and my schedule Have finally aligned So that I can work out with him  At least 3 -4 days a week He's a gym rat- Tightly wound You should see him push himself  And those weights! It's been fun too Just be in awe of him And his tenacity for working towards a goal Lifting's been good for me to...

Running friends are the best-

Wednesday, October 23rd Wanted to get a run in before work Shuttled myself back to Berg Park- To try to repeat the running magic of yesterday  The parking lot is overflowing I know it's just the nearby Hotel's parking traffic  But I  wonder what the fuss is all about It's only Wednesday And this is Farmington, after all  I pick a spot And who should be parking next to me But my friend S- and her hubby Oh snap! My mind chatters  Do they see me?  Should I just wait in the car,  So that they  get out first And get their run on before I set foot on that trail?  They're sooooooo fast! Snap! They did see me I sheepishly smile and wave We get out,  And S- asks to take the trail with me,  While her hubby guns it- on his own Why yes!!!!  I've secretly wished for a running buddy This crazy life of wife and mommy hood, mixed with snatches of work- Leaves little time for friendship  And how I've missed that The run was fantastic ...

Running Berg- the magic of a memory

Monday, October 21st I ran today-  Chose Berg Park I'd been seeing others' photos of the park  Pop up on Instagram,  Each shot  A familiar spot  Running memories Are you like that?  You'll be driving along Minding your own business And a running memory So powerful  Hits you  And you're back To that one Training run  It's like a homesick feeling Deep in your gut Only you're not sad You're j ust wishing  You were there a gain To live the moment over Berg Park pictures do that to me too So today I ran it No Garmin No Endomondo Just me  The trail And everyone else that felt  Drawn here today Walkers Runners Mommas with strollers  Puppies  Always magic here The running was easy I wondered why I'd waited so long To just be And Run for the thrill of it I miss the days when 7 miles seemed impossible And 5 made me feel like a rockstar When friends joined in on a weekend Group run And ended with coffee When I didn't know any be...

TCM 2013 in pictures

Thought I'd do a photo only post- I'll add commentary to these in a day or two- TCM is an amazing marathon The scenery is amazing The people unbelievably supportive Organized like clockwork Love this race It should be on every runner's bucket list-