!3 miles- In my Half and Half Ghosts, & Pure Flows- Think i'm going to hurl- I'm so Happy!

Can you believe we got an extra day this year?
Leap day-
Should have run,
But who can resist a chatty Mol's
Who's begging for a tuna lunch date?
Gotta love her!

So, now it's:

Thursday, March 1st

My last run being Monday
I was bound and determined to get one in today
Put together a ensemble that would find me going NO WHERE but the pavement
Took a self portrait reminiscent of ol' Uncle Sam
"I want YOU to run today"
I want YOU to run today!
Even pulled out my half and half Brooks Ghosts....
Yeah that's right- I hate white shoes so much I sharpie-d them-
Well, just one so far
(takes a wicked long time to cover all that white)
sharpie heaven on one
Cursed white on the other

And I ran.
I just wanted to see what it would be like to really run it
Mile 1 was clipping right along
Over a minute and a half faster than my usual
My pace felt great-
I did the math in my head figuring an amazing half marathon time
Amazing for me anyway
It spurred me on the run even more
why not?

I secretly thought I'd finally figured it out,
and that today would be my breakthrough day
2nd mile had me faster still
Mile 3 had me hemmed in by hills,
pace slipped
Mile 4 had me taking odd turns, trying to get out
I turned off into a neighborhood, and wove my way  through
up ahead I see a dirt road

I'm a sucker for a good detour,
Just had to take it.
It took me up, and spit me out on a road I knew well by the library

I cannot tell you how I love to just run and explore this way
It's like a scavenger hunt.
Mile 4.5 I'm toast
Yep, toast.

A little anticlimactic, seeing as I had a long run in the back of my mind
I think that's the problem with me
I give myself room to change my mind
At whim
Should I call it and label it  a 4 mile tempo?
Should I soldier on
Why did I push it so fast at the start
Blame my ego...
What? How can you have an ego when you can't even hold a 10 minute mile?

I decide to blame my shoes.

Get it in my head that they needed to go
SO mile 5
Home, hydrate
change shoes
I'm now in the lovely Brooks Pure Flows

They have been my shoe of choice while the Ghosts were 'out of commission'
On account of the Ghosts being only half technicolor-ed.

The Flows had been a bit problematic when first bought
But just about a week and a half ago,
I'd found my stride in them.

Mile 6
Pace is back up, but no where near miles 1-3
I start to wonder if I will ever figure this running thing out.
Mile 7
Shoes don't have it today
Mile 8
Where oh where is my boost?

I usually get a fun boost of energy at mile 5 and mile 8
A lovely little 'cheering on' my mind and body give me to keep going



I run to our now empty rental house where I stashed another water
chug and run
Surely that would help

Then next 5 miles were a blur
An odd walk /run where I talked to myself

Flat mad bonkers bazerk

I wasn't really stressed  or sad
I just didn't have anything left to give
Made it back to my car
Overall pace ended up not so terribly bad


Fast forward 30 minutes
I'm taking Moll's on a play date to big-bounce
(a play-place full of jump castles and big blow-up fun house slides)
I walk in
The popcorn smell is UNBELIEVABLY strong

Over the next hour
I run to the bathroom 3 separate times and hurl

Made me half smile.....
Maybe I wasn't such a wuss after all on that run
Either I had a touch of the flu and ran through it
Or I'd given it all I had for today and pushed myself to the limits

Don't know if I'll ever really know which it was

What I do know, is this:
I had very very very bad hair
And my breath was funky

Time to head home.............

Tomorrow is  a new day

I'm happy.
Got my run in!


I know you're DYING to know which shoe I liked better.
The Ghosts had over all comfort in the bag
My foot is a wide one- short and stout
I don't notice this when I wear them
However, I never really found 'my stride' in them
Think the heel got in the way
That being said, I did run faster in them
Mostly due to the fact I wore them the first half?
The Flows feel great
I find that seamless gliding gate in them.
However, I feel they are best with a slight decline or flat road
Uphill? Forget about it!
I don't think this means everyone will feel this way
Just that my foot being short puts the ball of my foot toward the back of the middle
I almost feel like I get stuck on the turnover unless I'm going faster, or downhill
The Mogo material has great responsiveness...but sometimes I get stuck in the bounce
Like a slightly flat bouncy ball that falters....


Pam said…
Hi Heather,

I just stopped by to present you with the Liebster Blog blogger award for inspirational bloggers with fewer than 200 subscribed followers. You inspire me and I hope this award will inspire you to keep wogging and writing! I will post on this tomorrow so stop by, copy and paste the award onto your blog, and then present it to five more bloggers. See you there!
Pam said…
Hey Heather, Me again. Were you able to figure out how to get your award? If not, let me know and I'll email the html to you. If you're just busy with all those little kids of yours and everything else you do in the real world, that's okay. I just wanted to make sure.


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