Doggonit!!!! (Cone of Shame)

Monday, March 5th

Little 7 miler

Been wanting to run down by Berg Park.

Today would be that day.
I parked at the kid's school- and ran down Sullivan to it.

Wore my Brooks Cascadias-
They are great for the mix of terrain I'd find on this run- be it pavement, wood chips, or gravel.
The trail was sleepy,

But the park was alive with both runners and walkers, happy to have this day.
I had more "hello!"-s and "have a great run!"-s than ever I've had before.
Made me smile
Glad to be moving along with this throng of happy people.
Fun to feel a part of it all.

Once around, and I'm ready for a scene change-
Should have stayed at the park,

Because the next phase of my run was ridiculous.

I run back up Sullivan... only this time I'm on the OTHER side of the street

Now, I'm not afraid of dogs, mind you-
I just don't like being yelled at by them.
And yell they did.
Like they were telling on me- and thrilled to be doing so.
I should have run faster...
But by about the third house of dogs- Does that little house really NEED 3 dogs-REALLY?
I had to stop and photo them.

They howled louder
Someone drove by and honked

Cone of shame did his best to hold down the fort.

The run was longer--
But that motley crew of dogs summed up my run
I let them get into my head, yell at me to slow down-
Take my stride

Today it was the dogs-
Tomorrow it could be a clicking earbud, a shoelace, my own thoughts-
Yelling at me to stop.

Glad I stopped today-
So next time I won't have to.


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