Anybody can!- My first half marathon-Moab

This weekend I discovered something.
Anybody can run a half marathon road race....Anybody
'Cause I just did.
Although Friday morning when I woke up, I thought for sure I'd made a terrible mistake.
second guessing myself
Was I really a few hours away from running in a 'real' race - with T-shirts and numbers?
Wasn't I the race snob, who thought "what's the point of paying to run?"

Then I remembered my DH the night before, catching up with an old college friend, and randomly letting it 'slip' that his wife was running a half marathon that weekend.... "isn't she crazy!"


Or that night when hubby told me- "I'm so proud of you..."


I could run for that.....

Kids were even in on the excitement.
How could I not run with all that cheering and good will going on.

Kids crazy "good luck" photo!

The day slipped by,
And soon my sis-in-law RunningMamaOf2
Came to gather me and my race gear.
Then off to collect the others.
5 of us in all- (in no particular order)

and me! aka WordQuota

We were teasing Katie on the way, that she needs a loop 'super hero' name
(if you havn't checked out the loop yet--- click on the loop! )

The road trip was fun, full of laughter, and nervous chatter.
Alot of "how are you feeling-are you nervous?" -to Katie and I who would be running our first half this weekend.
Of course, like any good runner, we said we weren't.... then quickly got honest, and said--- "well, maybe a little!"

As we neared Moab, we were greeted by the most amazing sunset.
Surely we were in for a glorious weekend.
Moab Sunset

Packet pickup went faster than I imagined it would-
I'd been to Moab before, knew the town knew how to throw and event, but wow- seamless.
The shopper girl in me wanted to take time to experience the expo
The hungry girl in me needed dinner.

Seems like everyone else in our group had the hungries too-
Dinner it was!

We went to Zax,  a great restaurant with a fun atmosphere.
Yes the wait was long (what do you expect, it's 8pm on packet pick-up night!)
But oh so worth it.
I ordered the fire roasted pizza and salad bar buffet-

The staff was working in overdrive, yet our waitress was kind enough to smalltalk for a moment about our trip and upcoming race.

Food was great too!

That was the sound I heard that night.... seemed like everyone was sleeping but me.
My mind raced... heeeheee (no pun intented)
Must go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep.......

Must have slept, because the next thing I know- NMRunnerGirl's alarm is going off.

We somehow got ready and down to the lobby in time to meet my brother-in-law, and his family.
My brother-in-law I affectionately introduce as "Marathon- Mike" he took up racing a few years ago, and has somehow gotten 24 under his belt... we all chat and munch a quick breakfast- take a little power up shoe love photo- and chat. I discover Mike's only done 3 Half Marathons, this will be his 4th (he says he doesn't like them much- and seems a bit nervous himself)

Now- I must confess, I was getting more and more nervous myself.
Mindlessly downed a glass of emergen-C and a 5 hour energy, not even calculating that the race start was still some 5 hours away.

The energy that power-packed duo gave me for the trip in to Moab was somewhat entertaining to my fellow carpoolers.


Live and learn.

Moab is alive with pent up nerves and energy.

NMRunnerGirl, BlueSkyGirl, Katie, WordQuota, RunninMommaOf2 & Marathon Mike

We wander a bit, take a few photos-
Katie and I snap a pic of us- must remember this day-
Our first half!

It's Katie and my first half!

People are lining up for the shuttle buses... seems urgent we do too.

Our gang lines up for a bus. Doors open, and we all hop on, only we're 1 seat short. NMRunnerGirl is odd man out.

Eeek- we can't have that!

I hop off with NMRunnerGirl to wait for the next one.

We text the loop's JennyRae24 to try for a loop meet up. She'd come all the way from Wyoming for this race, it would be a shame to not at least try!

NMRunnnerGirl and I snap a quick pic of us- and send it, in hopes that at the top, we can txt her and meet for a chat before the race. After all- we had at least an hour and a half before the race start.

This is us!

The bus ride to the top was fun.
Well, a more apt description would be: FUN-ny

We're driving along..... doop-de-doop....
The bus goes------
Then sloooooows, for a turn.
We see people gathered.

NMRunnerGirl and I look at each other-
That's not so bad..
Wow- I think I can do that!

Only the bus doesn't stop.

That my dear, was the 5k turn off!

We laugh at each other.
She seems calm
I'm getting sweaty palms.......

I look out the window
Man, it's gorgeous
How could you NOT want to run this thing.

Shot out the window on the way up

I want to text my honey- tell him-
"Thank-you for letting me have this crazy experience"

Only there's no cell service.


What about our loop meet-up with JennyRae24?
What about my music? I use Pandora!
What about endomondo? I was soooo looking forward to a peptalk!

Well, phoooey-

Flexibility is a lifeskill-

We make it to the top, somehow find our group---
Can't find JennyRae24---
Wow it's cold,
Get some hot chocolate,
Have to pee,
Wait in line,
Wow it's windy,
Check for cell service-
Curse you gorgeous cell-phone signal inhibiting mountains!!!!!!!

The guy with the loudspeaker is great at getting us motivated to run.
But the wind throws us around a bit- good thing we brought a jacket and a blanket, we have an hour left to go. Better go to the porta potty again.....

Then the loudspeaker guy says we have to stash our bags now and get up to the starting area-NOW

Oh holy night.
Potty break's over.

We walk, and walk, and walk- Stash our bag -
Bye-bye warm jacket and blanket.
And walk some more.

We stop to huddle behind a van.
The sun is bright. I worry about getting burned.
Glad I had the girls hit me with sunscreen before we left.
One last porta potty stop.

And then, we're heading to be herded and sorted according to to our expected finish time slots.
Katie and I wait together.
I can't believe the amount of people.
I have to take a pic of this!
I lift my iphone as high as my 5'2" arm would allow and snap a pic.
A voice from behind me chuckles and says, "Here, let me help you with that!
I turn around and this- oh so- nice green giant of a man, takes my phone and snaps a pic of what it really looks like..

My Perspective
WOW! look at that!

You hear the mega-phone man getting the crowd revved up... then a countdown or something-
Then cheering... and the sea of people starts to move.

I say good luck to Katie- know we'll get a bit mixed up in the crowd-
and we're off.

The running is fun.
I'm amazed at every one's happiness.
I see a dad with his kids ( they were young- like 12-14)
I think - WOW-THIS is why people pay money to run-
The energy is amazing.

First few miles were great.
The downward slop of the road pulled you along.
My pace was fast-Penelope Jane (garmin) reminded me to slow down, but the downhill asked me to kindly use his help and go with it.
So I did.

I passed a few people-(this was a pre-race phobia)
It didn't feel horrid.

People passed me ( didn't feel horrid either)

What did feel horrid was by mile 3 the sun was beating me to a pulp-
Again my garmin reminded me to slow a bit, but I said "no way am I getting burned- never to run a race again--- I'm running till I hit some shade!"

Then I heard something ahead. Music- Like you hear at a baseball game- that peppy organ/piano cheer music that makes a ballgame fun- and there he was, this wonderful man, playing for us- cheering us on.
I passed him.
But the more I thought about it-
The more I really wanted a photo
I ran back-
Yeah, I probably looked weird-
But I didn't care
He made the run fun, and I wanted to remember that.

The 'piano man' cheering us on!
So hot--- How can you go from freezing cold-
To blazing hot.
I wished my legs were shorts worthy
But they're not
Hot it would be-
Run to the shade!

I remember that first water station.
Piles of people clamoring for a drink
I took the water
Then a few steps later, Gatorade

It tasted like heaven.

Rounded the corner.
Up ahead was the shade- I was ecstatic
Beware of what you wish for-
With the shade, came wind

The strongest wind I thought I'd ever felt, blew hard-
I felt like I was running in place.
I put my head into it-
Almost shut my eyes- and plowed through

On and on it went like this.

I think I would have been miserable with these conditions, had it not been for the unbelievable scene around me.
This has got to be one of the most beautiful places to run.
Canyons, red rock, everywhere.
Does it get anymore beautiful than this?

When I stopped and took it in, it made me thankful

 1 The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
The skies display his craftsmanship.
2 Day after day they continue to speak;
night after night they make him known.
3 They speak without a sound or word;
their voice is never heard.[a]
4 Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,
and their words to all the world.

Psalm 19:1-4

I realized by mile 6 or 7
There was this gal in orchid pink, that I kept running with-
Then passing-
Then being passed by-

When it dawned on me that we'd been doing this tandem run,
I was coming up to pass her
It was a slight crest of a hill- nothing crazy-
She looked tired.

I just had to say something
I came beside her and yelled- "thank you!"
Then I felt silly-

She pulled out her ear-bud and looked at me nicely-
I said " You are pulling me through this race- thank you!"
She said something super nice,
I let her pass, and that was all-

The rest of the race she was always close-
Know she passed me for good at the end-
Really wish I'd gotten a picture with her.

Mile 8
OK I'd kept hearing about this hill
And there it was-
LOOMING before me.
I was beat
The hot, cold, wind thing had me downright tired.

And now this-
I braced myself, shortened my stride, and shuffled up
I lasted maybe 2 minutes.
Run for 8 counts.
Run for 8

Why this 8 count thing? I have no idea
I think that's all the mental capacity I had at the time, 8 was all I could muster

The hill was tough, but if I hadn't phsyced myself out- I would have been halfway up it, and realized it went immediately back down. Oh well, maybe next time.

Mile 9 was a blur, pace picked up a bit, not much...
Then I heard the most amazing sound in the distance
 Low rhythmic drumming,
I'd heard about this mile- these drums-
But never had I thought they'd be this present.
The drums lured me on.
Drums-most amazing sound!

Those drums gave me the energy to keep going.
Man, they were cool!

Past the drums a little stretch of road was left
I could see up ahead, that we would be running in what looked like a park or walking-type sidewalk
I felt I was close.
I was excited.

Right before we veered off the road through that park
This gal was cheering us on like we were the most amazing runners she'd ever met.
She serenaded us with Oldie's tunes and clapped cheered and waved.
I wanted to hug her
I took a photo instead.

My Favorite Race-Day Volunteer!
By this time I'm feeling the miles.
I've run 13.1 miles many times
I'd say even as many as 6-10 times
Ran 14 miles or more a few times too
Nothing prepared me for what was ahead.

I run through the park looking area.
It was lovely
And then I see where we're going

Up on the High-Way
The actual high-way

No glorious red rock

Nothing but orange cones

A volunteer ringing the smallest bell I've ever seen, says something about a light
I shift my head upward, peer through the wind and sand, squinting
Run to the light
Run to the light
Run to the.............

Is it just me, or do I sound like I'm dying

A group of people scream and cheer for the gal running in front of me
They come running across the road- hug and kiss her
Scream and yell
Shake a homemade sign

They are silent as I run past
As the people behind me run past


Like elk, on the side of the road....staring

I feel odd

The wind is full force now, I have nothing left to give
The light winks at me, a knowing wink-
I am not amused.

I think for a moment I would die on this road.
I didn't even care.

I start to walk.

Nothing about this is fun, joyous or happy

I don't even care.

Then- grey hair running, shows me how it's done
She's not discouraged, not in the least -
Her stride is deliberate and strong.
She eases past me in the kindest of ways,
Is she humming....
I surely think she is

I am in awe of her ability to rise to this


Just beautiful

I want to be like her.

I run for 8
walk for 8
run for 8

The light nears
The corner turned

One last water station between me and the finish line

I have no idea how I got to that finish
I can't believe I made it-
But when I did
The girls were there

Marathon Mike and his family were there-

I heard them cheer, and I knew I'd done it-
I finished.

A wave of relief covers me.

We all made it
All of us.

BlueSkyGirl had met her PR goal of sub 2!

I was off my goal- but I patted myself on the back for choosing to finish rather than die on the side of the road.

And our loop meet up?

Yes!!! We got that one in too
It only took us a few passes of wandering aimlessly up and down the Loooooooong streets of Moab before JennyRae24 rescued us from the madness and flagged us down.
I felt like she was a long lost friend-

BlueSkyGirl, WordQuota, JennyRae24, & NMRunnerGirl

Never enough time-

Next stop was ViolinRunning's vacation house-
She'd run the half- then readied some homemade cinnamon rolls and lattes
lovely latte
BlueSkyGirl, ViolinRunning, Katie,
NMRunnerGirl, WordQuota, &



As I write this- it already feels a lifetime ago.
Was it hard.
Yes, harder than I thought it would be
But not for any of the silly reasons I worried about.

Was it fun
But not in any way I imagined
It was fun
Because it taught me to let go
To trust
To embrace the good with the bad
To not give up

To learn from others-

And that's what endears this race to me-
I wouldn't have had it any other way.

If I can do this
Anybody can

'Going to join me next time?


Tennille said…
Ah. I cried through the whole thing. We will definitely be stronger for this one....and we will NEVER forget it.
Anonymous said…
Heather!! I love this!! I love those people who you end up running 'with'...I love meeting people along the run too! Oh, we had a drum band too! I loved it! I'm pretty sure I ran faster when I ran by them! Great Job!! Just a hard as half marathons are....their contageous!! (I hope I spelled that Congratulations!!! :) Jeannie ;)

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