got a run in - I'm the luckiest girl ever

Friday, March 30th

Today I can finally say I went for a run.

Chart said 6, but it ended up about 5.24

That's OK with me, considering the track record I've had
(read about this weeks track debacles if you haven't already-here and here)

BlueSkyGirl had mentioned that we needed to get together for a run-
Wrestling meets have wreaked havoc with me joining in on the group runs the girls take on Saturday mornings, so a Friday run was in order.

We'd meet at Lions Wilderness-
And hope to not get towed like almost happened last time

I thought it would be fun to
last minute text ViolinRunning to join us too-
Although she's right in the thick of marathon training, she said she'd join us, and throw in some speed at the end to meet her daily mile/training goals.

It was a Mary Poppins day-
"Practically perfect in every way"

My only complaint-
We were running the park 'backwards'
Running it uphill
First round felt fine enough- though I had to walk a hill or two

We then extended our jaunt into the nearby neighborhood and back for another loop
My breathing felt off today
Alot of huffing and puffing

The second loop found me wanting to cut my run short
But the girls encouraged me to keep going

And that is the beauty of a group run.
I did coax BlueSkyGirl to run the last loop downhill
While ViolinRunning plowed through her uphill progression the other way.
That final loop was exactly what I needed.

I do believe I am the luckiest girl ever to have this circle of running Friends
Very lucky indeed.


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