Forget about it

Wednesday, March 7th

Ran Monday, Tuesday had other plans for me-
Wednesday is my treadmill day-

But as I picked Molls up from school- she could tell I was dragging my feet
"Let's go to the workout place mommy!" she cheered
"Just a minute- " I said, flipping through emails- blogs- anything, on my phone I could think to check.

Finally, I realized this was silly, I just need to go in, pound out 3 to appease the the running gods, and live to sleep another day guilt-free.

Drop Molly off at the child care
Head into the dressing room
Pull out my running gear

  • shoes/socks
  • sports bra/shirt
What do you think I forgot?

Yep- my pants

Can't very well run with out those.

Well, I COULD-
But I'll spare you

Luckily I had my swimsuit

Laps for me.

I thought I pulled a fast one
Even secretly patted myself on the back like it was fate or something not to run.

Walk out to the pool
The 'Silver Sneakers' water aerobics class is in session-
They seem a bit eager to see me
I walk to the other end of the pool to hop in


The old ladies cheer in glee
Snicker and laugh

Seems the pool had chlorine issues, had to be emptied and refilled
We were the first ones in the virgin water.
Cold I say! Freezing cold!

We had a good laugh- I start my laps

Soon a guy walks into the pool house.

Oh yeah-
Wait for it-
Wait for it-


Best swim ever!


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