
Showing posts from October, 2011

Dear Asics-I'm not racist- I just hate white

Glorious run today- Nice five mile jaunt More fast and slow More form adjustments I really enjoyed this run- I had a light attitude, and talked to myself the whole way- First: "You know-if you'd just move those stubby legs God gave you- You'd go faster..." I laughed- partially because I always try to stay sheltered from such 'horrid' thoughts- And partially because I was proud of being able to joke with myself- I'm learning not to loathe what I consider flaws- but be thankful for this quirky body- This 'tool' I was given- It may not be a 'power tool' like yours- But, hey- it gets the job done. Second: "Dear Asics, I'm not racist, I just hate white." I've ranted about this before- ( Glass Slipper ) But why, oh why are running shoes white? I love my Asics Gel Nimbus, Really feel I need to keep a cush stability shoe in the lineup for longer runs- But I'm so over the boring color choices. A...

the wonder

Yesterday I saw the most beautiful sight. Grey hair running. She was so beautiful, so happy as she ran- I teared up, thinking WOW- It is possible to have this love of running last a lifetime. ********************** Later that morning. I ran on the treadmill at the Spa. The last time I did that, I had a terrible time with boredom. This time, I was prepared, Headphones and a plan- The goal was small- a mere 3 miles- BUT -I had a time crunch- I had to finish in time to pick up Molly from kinder- Nothing like a little 'have-to" punctuality to spice things up! My 'plan' was to try a suggestion my friend Cassie had given me- Run 3min walk 1 Now- Given my predisposed aversion to tooo much order, I decided to simply- Run some- Walk some- And boy, did I run! That's the beauty of a treadmill- YOU tell your legs what to do, not the other way around. And for the next half hour or so- that's what I did. Worked pace Worked form I'...

Let's Dish

Ok- yesterday I was terribly crabby. This is NOT a drill people. There are lots of cures for crabbiness. ice-cream comes to mind. But I went for a 'run' instead. Well, not really a RUN,   'kite surfing' is what I picked Endomondo to post- I was going to try on some interval training for size, and kite surfing seemed to fit the bill- Plus it made me smile, and THAT my friend, is an accomplishment. Sick of having pain. Sick of being slow. Sick of reading about running- I just want to get out there and do it- And do it NOW- Then read some more. My reading of late is centered around running form. I've been watching all sorts of YouTube videos on proper form. Seems, the one thing (among many) I forget, is that little lean forward. I tried it last night. An ever-so-slight lean. It helped. Intervals went well too. Running faster felt so much better, smoother than my normal woggy jog tempo. But I find I loose my breath faster than my...


Last night was truly magical. Another late night run, the lights danced in and out of the trees. How is it life can be this beautiful? I am so blessed.

Carbo-loading Sympathy

Yesterday was Thursday- And what a day! In a funk. Eating everything in site, Eating without even thinking about it- Crazy, horrid---- Carbo-loading ? Now there's an excuse I could live with, It sounds so sporty too- Only I already ran My Half - 3 weeks ago- And have been plagued with a small injury, Leaving me in no way worthy of a glorious carbo-load. (and I know you serious athletes out there would be appalled by my idea of what one is anyway) Surely there's some other excuse I could create- Sympathy carbo-loading! YAY! The past few days, I've been thinking about Duke City this weekend.  About my great friends running their 'Half"- About injuries - About what I would do if I couldn't run again. Compulsive running blog reading ...has rounded out my late night entertainment. Oh yeah, I submitted my blog too---- To be catalogued on their site amongst some of my famous favorites. Favorites like: Run Faster Mommy 26.2 Quest ...

How the iPhone changed my life

It's been a few days since I've posted. Life is happening as we speak--- Honey is on yet another business trip- Which means no early morning fitness classes at Defined. No late night walks. No running. Not that I could run if I even wanted to.  I'm still a little gun-shy on that front. The last walk I took had me  trying a bit of a modified "wog" And THAT my friends-is entertainment. (will someone please stalk me so we can make some YouTube money) Oh--- and my iPhone crashed- OK- I crashed my iPhone- Remember that first 10 miler I ran ---when my phone went wonky? The one were I thought for SURE that 10 miles was 13 or more---ha ha (funny how "long" runs can mess with your head) Especially when you don't have endomondo to track your miles as you go Well, ever since, my phone has had a glitch- a message pops up saying something like- "this accessory is not optimized for your iPhone....blah, blah, blah" AND I blew a s...

Window Shopping

Previously on Running Wogging & the Glass Half Full- We were finishing up a review - Oh, and I had this brilliant idea to head out on a short RUN so I could finalize my thoughts on the SmartWool Running Lite-Micro.  I'd been taking the week off from running due to a seemingly small injury to my calf. But couldn't bare the thought of another day down without running.  Who cares that my actual out the door time was 9:20pm, I was ready. Warm-up walk out the neighborhood felt good. Music told me it was time (socks felt fabulous) I ran. I stopped. Pain is still there. I cried. Then I laughed. Did I really just CRY because I couldn't excercise? I laughed at myself again.  I don't get it- I'm from a long line of strong women- German-Norweigan stock- We don't get sick- We don't get tired- We do whatever it takes to get things done. What do I do now? I decided to walk.  Tears still coming down, looking for the ha...

Sock it to 'em!

When I first started running, one of the first words of advice was buy 'good' socks. So I did. I went to TJ Maxx instead of Walmart. I obviously had no idea what 'good' socks meant. I have since been further educated on the whole sock matter- And can honestly say: "Socks matter!" I am by no means an authority on the subject- this review serves as a gentle guide and personal description- and as you will see, is by no means exhaustive, as only two brands will be reviewed today. Feel free to message me for my address, to send me samples of YOUR favorites to try! HA! But I digress- Here's a few thoughts. - Feetures brand- Feetures Elite socks were my first try at a performance running sock. I actually bought them, right on the spot, when trying on running shoes at Brown's. I needed a 'try-on' sock- they pulled out the Feeture s- I have to say, this was an eye opener. For the first time, my feet felt good. I was hooked....

Run Because You Can

Last night I heard news that my sweet friend Katie has a hip fracture from running. I cried for her last night. What is it about this sport that makes you so in-tune with others' pain, victories, mile-stones, struggles- An unspoken comradre. I even find myself secretly cheering runners on, as I drive past them randomly running on the street- wishing I too were out running. What is it about running that makes it so precarious- I KNOW the answer- But still can't help but ask WHY? I am reminded that we are but dust. Last night, I used my elliptical because the dull pain in the back of my calf is still there- I will be careful- I will use my old time of 14-15 minutes per mile to simulate a run. It was ok. I did not have pain. I am thankful- I have decided this is what must be done to fully heal. I saw this quote on pinterest a few weeks ago before it had meaning- If you can run- will you? Run one for me- Run one for Katie- I will be the one wistfu...

Backup Plan

SO --- I'ts been Saturday since I even "walked". I say "walked" sarcastically because it was only a mile or so, and very leisurely, as I had my kids in tow. I'm a bit stressed. And when I get stressed I eat mini chocolates (I like to eat foods that are "in season" and being as it's almost Holloween--you get the picture) Oh, and I like to drink Coffee - I went 3 times one day last week- (and THAT is to keep this economy going- I always support our local Durango Joes & an occasional big Corp Starbucks It's time for an intervention. I need a Back Up Plan. Let me re-phrase that- I need to DO my back up plan. Don't get me wrong, I'm full of great intentions, and ideas- but somehow implementing said plan is proving next to impossible. I will never take running for granted again . I WILL appreciate my broccoli and cheese lunch I WILL revel in the wonder that is my elliptical I WILL drink water, and lots of i...

Photo Op

Well, it's happened. I have an injury. I've been in denial for about 2 weeks now, just running through the pain. My Friday run confirmed it. This weird limp /jog that simply would not shake, solidified by pain even when I walk. I am concerned that if I run this week, bad things will happen. With a Saturday run out of the question, it's time to get creative. I bribed the kids with the the camelback- Molly was game- Riley and Kate needed some coaxing, but I persuaded them. We were off to Kiwanis. Why don't I do this more often? We walked, and talked, we laughed, we played. *sigh* I am happy. I walk the park while the kiddos just clown around. They are beautiful. I have to snap some photos.   

in Memoriam

Today is Friday October 7th, 2011 Today my honey's Nanny died. I am sad. I ran Berg Park- a remembrance run of sorts. We all call her "Nanny", she is Ryan's dad's mother. Fire engine red hair- How I loved her hair- Always done up in curls. I loved her voice too- It was always paired with a giggle and a smile- Sweet sweet memories. Memories are gifts-little gifts you have wrapped up in your heart. You don't even know they are there. 'Till one day you need them, and there they sit, just waiting to be unwrapped- Unwrapped one by one to comfort you. I'll never forget one of my first visits to Nanny's house. Ryan and I had just been married the month before. It was Thanksgiving. Oh Thanksgiving! Nanny was the most amazing memory maker at Thanksgiving! Early-early she would rise, and begin the feast of all feasts! Turkey, gravy, stuffing Wait- there's something about that stuffing- You see, I am a stuffing girl, a...

Double or Nothing

Got up and headed to Body Combat at Defined Fitness this morning.  Just the name "Body Combat" makes me smirk... I have sooooo much agression waiting to be set free.  I AM a Ninja Warrior- Yeah right!  I am so lying- and NO, you do not want to conjure up a mental picture of me 'street brawling'.  Takes alot of focus for me to even TRY looking tough-HA! But today all I could focus on was the clock.  I really wanted to get a run in. I snuck out at 6~it was a double or nothing day. Off I ran, my first push at the clock- My goal: to be under 14- (for those of you who may be new to my blog, I am such a beginner at the whole running thing... been training for a little over 10 weeks--- just ran my first 13.1--- but laughably SLOW) I started off well enough, felt like it anyway, 'til endomondo told me I'd reached mile 1 in 15.18- UGH~ Really?  I'd even forgone my little walk, wog, jog thingy that I always do- But then I remembered I hadn...

What's the plan?

Do you have a routine? A goal? A plan? Something that gives you a boundary- to know where you stand in the grand scheme of things. Something that pulls you back on track should you get distracted by the messiness of life. My 'Sis' Jen really gets major brownie points for starting me off in the right direction. It was her idea to try 5:15am workout classes. Her idea to start training for a 'half'- Shoot- as I'm writing this, I'm thinking I need to pay her off or something--- hmmm--- I could be wicked and get her a dozen Dunkin Donuts? Those of you who know me personally, know I struggle with structure. I would much rather fly around looking like I just got my head chopped off, than sit and prepare. But for some reason, running fits perfectly with my personality. Don't want to run? Run double tomorrow. Wake up late? Run at night. Sore? Walk. Miles. That is how I gauge success right now. The crazy in me really wants to start...

Hello wrong turn!

Today I begin my life after 13.1. That milestone complete, it's time to 'man up' and see if this running thing is for real. I wear my running gear to drop the kids off at school- grab a fabulous caramel machiatto at Durango Joes with my sister-in-law Jen, type up a little blog post - It's time- Get in the car to head to Berg Park- a perfect easy 3- But boy, do I have to go- Drat- stupid coffee! Then I had a grand idea- next to Berg is the Marriott, and right inside their conference entrance is a gorgeous foyer with a nicely situated 'water closet'- complete with chandelier- Marriot 'water closet' heehee Pat myself on the back for my great idea- Then  I'm off- Off on my first 'after 13.1' run. I think there's something wonderful about this run. There are no expectations- I run, with every intention to walk. But the run feels heavenly, and the day is absolutely gorgeous- Everyone seems to be out today- I say...

Dreaming of a Walmart Christmas

Now I know why my friends are running an actual race . It's not that they enjoy the thrill of a 3 hour drive. Nor the expense of gas, food, lodging, entry fees. (I figured it would take about $300 to get this race done- more, if family tags along) After my run Saturday , I burst into the house, thrilled with my personal achievement, only to find that life doesn't stop just because you ran. Family was hungry. Laundry. Ironing. (a week long request from my hubby that I'd been in denial about needing to do) Vacuuming. They tell you about a runner's high- but nothing about the low- Coming down from that run was rough. I wanted to scream- "don't you know I just ran 14.32 miles people!" Lots of secret tears- That is why a bona-fide race would make it so much better. You're surrounded by people who 'get it', and away from the responsibilities that are seemingly never done. It is ideal. But I will most likely never run in one. Why? It is just not in ...

13.1 Montage

Saturday, October 1st, 2011 I ran my 13.1 The night before, the excitement was almost unbearable. Sick to my stomach excited. Pep talking my way through the course in my mind, I wandered through my day almost in a fog. But this morning, I was calm. No emotion. This has happened to me before, and last time flat scared me. It didn't scare me this time, though, just a feeling of nothingness. I ate granola, drank a small Gatorade, water. I stuffed my pockets with fruit snacks, baby juice box in my compression shirt. Two more juice boxes would be stashed along the first leg of my run to find at the end. warm up walk out the neighborhood- It is 5:35- It is dark. All week long I'd mulled over a route for this run. Then yesterday night I realized I wasn't planning for the dark... I was in denial. I even googled the sunrise, and found the sun wouldn't even begin to show it's face 'til after 6:30, with an official rise after 7. College and High s...