Carbo-loading Sympathy

Yesterday was Thursday-

And what a day!
In a funk.
Eating everything in site,
Eating without even thinking about it-
Crazy, horrid----


Now there's an excuse I could live with,
It sounds so sporty too-
Only I already ran My Half- 3 weeks ago-
And have been plagued with a small injury,
Leaving me in no way worthy of a glorious carbo-load.
(and I know you serious athletes out there would be appalled by my idea of what one is anyway)

Surely there's some other excuse I could create-

Sympathy carbo-loading!


The past few days, I've been thinking about Duke City this weekend. 
About my great friends running their 'Half"-
About injuries-
About what I would do if I couldn't run again.

Compulsive running blog reading...has rounded out my late night entertainment.
Oh yeah, I submitted my blog too----
To be catalogued on their site amongst some of my famous favorites.
Favorites like:
Run Faster Mommy
26.2 Quest
The Loop
And for a whole week my blog was eerily in the TOP 50----WOW!
What an honour!

I put their little logo on my page...
Nothing wrong with a little backdoor bragging-- right?

Soooooo I just checked it -
Scroll down to the flame logo and you'll see it too--
Not only am I NOT in the top 50 (surprise surprise)
But I am now 142 down on the list.
Can I get a 'WHOOP! WHOOP!'  for mediocrity! haha

I really am belly laughing as I type this-- that is tooo funny!

Well, after the shameless grazing-
Reality hit.
I am going to have to pay big for the:

1 Melaluca Access bar
1 Raspberry pop tart
5 Hershey's mini chocolate almond  bars
2 pot stickers
1 egg roll
1 fried chicken leg
1 med Starbucks caramel macchiato

And it was only 2pm

I put on my tennis shoes.
Surely just that act alone would burn some calories.

No time for a 'proper' run, I tried my legs out running a figure 8 around my kitchen and living room.
The carbo-loading worked!!!!
(just kidding)

There was NO PAIN!
I am so happy- I text my honey:
"Just ran around the house, and I have no pain!!!!!!!"
Thinking he'd say -'get out and run!'
But he is the voice of reason, and texted only:
"Be careful"

Now that I think about it,
Maybe he was more worried about me actually running in the house,
Than me actually running....
I'll have to look into that.

The rest of the day was a blur--

'Til suddenly it was 10:15pm
Ryan was still plugging away on Thermo homework

I remembered my run around the house,
Knew it was time to try my legs outside.

Ryan graciously loaned me his iPhone so I could at least stream Pandora
(Can't wait  for my replacement phone to come in!)

Warm-up walk out the neighborhood felt better than good.

Next up- the jaunt across the street to get to the College.

This simple crossing of the street, tells me everything I need to know about a run.

Today was GOLDEN!!!

I can't tell you how unbelievable it was to simply run across the street with no pain.
I wanted to cry, to shout, jump up and down!

I simply said "Thank you- I will never take this for granted again"

And I ran.


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