Double or Nothing

Got up and headed to Body Combat at Defined Fitness this morning.  Just the name "Body Combat" makes me smirk... I have sooooo much agression waiting to be set free.  I AM a Ninja Warrior-

Yeah right!  I am so lying- and NO, you do not want to conjure up a mental picture of me 'street brawling'.  Takes alot of focus for me to even TRY looking tough-HA!
But today all I could focus on was the clock.  I really wanted to get a run in.

I snuck out at 6~it was a double or nothing day.

Off I ran, my first push at the clock-
My goal: to be under 14- (for those of you who may be new to my blog, I am such a beginner at the whole running thing... been training for a little over 10 weeks--- just ran my first 13.1--- but laughably SLOW)

I started off well enough, felt like it anyway, 'til endomondo told me I'd reached mile 1 in 15.18-
UGH~ Really?  I'd even forgone my little walk, wog, jog thingy that I always do-

But then I remembered I hadn't paused it while I waited for the crosswalk to let me cross Pinion---- hmmm

I ran harder.  It had rained the night before, and boy was I glad I'd worn my Brooks Cascadias. Thank you Browns! They were perfect for the wet pavement, and even better for the slip of the mud.  Which is another reason why I chose trail shoes for the fall/winter.  Nothing feels better than knowing you made the right choice.  I patted myself on the back, and ran on.

Mile 2 greeted me.


That was better, but could I beat it?

And then my phone rings.

SHOOT! I don't know how to answer the phone with these wireless headphones-

SHOOT! it's my honey-

SHOOT! it's 6:55!

SHOOT! the phone's ringning AGAIN-  It's Ryan AGAIN!

Crud, crud, crud- I am soo toast!

I run, fumbling with my phone, text a quick text, make a quick call- tell him I'm almost home. Tell him I'm soooo sorry-

He'd forgotten to tell me he had a breakfast meeting.
I'd forgotten how long it takes me to run 3 miles.

I switch endomondo off.


Home agian, I peek-


My average even with all the craziness- 13.31


I met my goal-


Should have set it higher!


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