Window Shopping
Previously on Running Wogging & the Glass Half Full-
We were finishing up a review-
Oh, and I had this brilliant idea to head out on a short RUN so I could finalize my thoughts on the SmartWool Running Lite-Micro. I'd been taking the week off from running due to a seemingly small injury to my calf. But couldn't bare the thought of another day down without running. Who cares that my actual out the door time was 9:20pm, I was ready.
Warm-up walk out the neighborhood felt good. Music told me it was time (socks felt fabulous)
I ran.
I stopped.
Pain is still there.
I cried. Then I laughed.
Did I really just CRY because I couldn't excercise?
I laughed at myself again.
I don't get it-
I'm from a long line of strong women-
German-Norweigan stock-
We don't get sick-
We don't get tired-
We do whatever it takes to get things done.
What do I do now?
I decided to walk.
Tears still coming down, looking for the happiness-
I pass by a row of storefronts.
A window catches my eye, I have to snap a photo.
I can't help but think of Audrey Hepburn and that iconic photo for Breakfast at Tiffany's

I feel the same way today.
I look at the dresses SILK has in it's window-
So pretty.
I think I should call it a day and head home.
But right as I'm turning around to do just that, Endomondo tells me I have a message from Stephanie:
"Hope you are enjoying your night." the automated voice says-
I smile.
I guess I am-
There's nothing wrong with a midnight stroll and a little window shopping.
I add on another 2 miles, rounding my route out to just over 3.
As I head home, I think about my socks. They feel like a cozy bathrobe after a bubble bath. I like them ALOT. My foot does move in the sock and my sock in my shoe....but the comfort is there.
I think if they made a sock with the compression technology of the Feetures brand, with the feel of a SoftWool, we'd be golden.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone