the wonder

Yesterday I saw the most beautiful sight.

Grey hair running.

She was so beautiful, so happy as she ran-

I teared up, thinking WOW-
It is possible to have this love of running last a lifetime.


Later that morning. I ran on the treadmill at the Spa.

The last time I did that, I had a terrible time with boredom.
This time, I was prepared,
Headphones and a plan-

The goal was small- a mere 3 miles-
BUT -I had a time crunch-
I had to finish in time to pick up Molly from kinder-

Nothing like a little 'have-to" punctuality to spice things up!

My 'plan' was to try a suggestion my friend Cassie had given me-
Run 3min walk 1

Given my predisposed aversion to tooo much order,
I decided to simply-
Run some- Walk some-

And boy, did I run!

That's the beauty of a treadmill-
YOU tell your legs what to do, not the other way around.
And for the next half hour or so- that's what I did.

Worked pace
Worked form

I've never sweat so much in my life-
Felt great-

Think they just had the heater on-
But I'll take it-

When I got home, I remembered a suggestion from a fellow runner-
Use a rolling pin to massage your calves after a run-

(thank you runningchick6560!)

This will now be added regularly to my routine-

Might have to buy a bigger one- this one looks downright pitiful, but worked GREAT-

my rolling pin 'massage'

I was just finishing up, when I saw another beautiful sight-
My Molly-
Flat out running-
So beautiful so happy-
(shhh dad was still away on his business trip)
a blur running past me

Nobody taught her how to run.
She just runs.

She runs like mad-
Stops when she's tired-

Then runs some more-

I want to be like that.

Never lose the wonder.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPho


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