in Memoriam
Today is Friday October 7th, 2011
Today my honey's Nanny died.
I am sad.
I ran Berg Park- a remembrance run of sorts.
We all call her "Nanny", she is Ryan's dad's mother.
Fire engine red hair-
How I loved her hair-
Always done up in curls.
I loved her voice too-
It was always paired with a giggle and a smile-
Sweet sweet memories.
Memories are gifts-little gifts you have wrapped up in your heart.
You don't even know they are there.
'Till one day you need them,
and there they sit,
just waiting to be unwrapped-
Unwrapped one by one to comfort you.
I'll never forget one of my first visits to Nanny's house.
Ryan and I had just been married the month before.
It was Thanksgiving.
Oh Thanksgiving! Nanny was the most amazing memory maker at Thanksgiving!
Early-early she would rise, and begin the feast of all feasts!
Turkey, gravy, stuffing
Wait- there's something about that stuffing-
You see, I am a stuffing girl, and I will never forget, I was headed over to get a big heap of it on my plate---
What was that smell?
Oh Holy Night- it WAS! EWWWWW!
Yep, one pan would be Oyster Stuffing- in honor of Papa.
What a hoot- that first year at Nanny's-
Years to come, brought us bringing babies-
Memories of our littles sitting on her lap-
'Til there were so many, we just piled them around her-
Oh my sweet Nanny, what will we do without you?
If we cry, we know you would tell us to wipe our tears,
The pain of this life is gone, and heaven now your home.
If we laugh, we feel sorry for the happiness we have without you to share it with.
I weep.
The trees weep with me.
I think about the trees and how the leaves must fall.
We are not sad, they only sleep for a season-
