Let's Dish

Ok- yesterday I was terribly crabby.
This is NOT a drill people.

There are lots of cures for crabbiness.
ice-cream comes to mind.

But I went for a 'run' instead.
Well, not really a RUN,  'kite surfing' is what I picked Endomondo to post-
I was going to try on some interval training for size, and kite surfing seemed to fit the bill-
Plus it made me smile, and THAT my friend, is an accomplishment.

Sick of having pain.
Sick of being slow.

Sick of reading about running-
I just want to get out there and do it-
And do it NOW-
Then read some more.

My reading of late is centered around running form.

I've been watching all sorts of YouTube videos on proper form. Seems, the one thing (among many) I forget, is that little lean forward.

I tried it last night.

An ever-so-slight lean.
It helped.

Intervals went well too.
Running faster felt so much better, smoother than my normal woggy jog tempo.

But I find I loose my breath faster than my legs tire of it.

I guess that's why it's called interval training.

Pain is back in my left calf.
I really do need to adress it- just trying to figure out where and when.

Don't think it's major, it doesn't tell me to stop... just has been lingering for over 3 weeks now.

I was so proud of myself tonight,
I worked first---
Telling myself I'd double back for this great architectual photo op I'd seen at the beginning of my run.

But as I was working a speed drill, checking my time on my phone
(I had just picked up my replacement iPhone a few hours before my run-yay!)
I dropped that silly thing-
It blacked out-

I really, really, really need a Garmin-
Any favorites on this front?

I trudged home---  hoping Ryan wasn't texting or calling- knew it had to be at least 10:30pm by now.

He wasn't-
He was lost in a sea of numbers and letters-
Fluid Mechanics
Design Optimization

I plugged my phone into it's jack-

Little apple lights up....

I grab a bowl of ice-cream anyway.

It's been that kind of day.

Today is sooo much better, might even 'kayak' my endomondo self out tonight to snap that pic!


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