What's the plan?

Do you have a routine?
A goal?
A plan?

Something that gives you a boundary- to know where you stand in the grand scheme of things.

Something that pulls you back on track should you get distracted by the messiness of life.

My 'Sis' Jen really gets major brownie points for starting me off in the right direction.

It was her idea to try 5:15am workout classes.

Her idea to start training for a 'half'-

Shoot- as I'm writing this, I'm thinking I need to pay her off or something---


I could be wicked and get her a dozen Dunkin Donuts?

Those of you who know me personally, know I struggle with structure. I would much rather fly around looking like I just got my head chopped off, than sit and prepare.

But for some reason, running fits perfectly with my personality.

Don't want to run?
Run double tomorrow.
Wake up late?
Run at night.

That is how I gauge success right now.

The crazy in me really wants to start a marathon chart.

after all, the first 7 weeks are pretty much the same as the half-

But the more I think about it, the more I think I should begin to work on my pace.

Argggg, did I just say that?

That would turn the fun into work.

It must be done.

Fall is here- winter around the corner, and I in no way shape or form want to be frolicking aimlessly in the weather for hours on end just to get some miles under my belt.

So I will be using these next 7 weeks to do just that-shave a few minutes here and there, so I don't have to endure the weather longer than I absolutely have to.

Speaking of weather-
It practically poured all day today- and who did I see out in the thick of it- but my friend, Clare, bravely clocking her 5- wow-

I have yet to run in the rain.

I'm actually really nervous about this whole 'weather' situation.

So today I bought an Under Armour shirt.

I actually picked it up because I thought it was:

*partially white
*reflective piping on the back
*(thinking-road safety?)

Then I noticed it was Under Armour, and snagged it!

So it's settled-
I'm running my 'half' chart again-
I have 3 to do tomorrow- I've been running a 14.4/mile average-

I know I can beat that-

Fingers crossed -

Hey, what's your plan?

I know it's a pain to post comments, but really, I'd love to know- I've had so much fun bumping into friends and have them share with me their latest goal, or personal best.

My friend Tennille and her honey ran 18 Saturday-

My mom texted me that she did 2.6!

Some of you ran your first race- how was it?

What's next?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said…
Kudos to you gal!! I DO NOT run... or wog... well, maybe I wog at work after I've drank all the liquid I'm supposed to be drinking in order to get to the ladies room before I have a puddle to mop up! LOL
Pomozone said…
Did not know you had a blog. I'm subscribing!
Heather said…
cmk4: you crack me up!
Robbie: Salute!

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