
1. Ice cream flavor? Anything Bryer's- currently I love pairing their Coffee and Cherry Vanilla flavors
2. Saucony Kinvara or a shoe from the Brooks Pure line, like the Connect of Flow? I started of with Asics gel nimbus, but I'm a Brooks girl now--- I have Cascadias for trail, Brooks Ghosts for long runs and I just got Pure Flows....
3. Where would you go if you had the money to take a two week dream vacation? hmmmm right now I could go for a weekend anywhere locked up by my little lonesome with room service- aww ok, my honey could come too
4. Did you play sports in high school? Bwahahahaha! I sat the volleyball bench, and was awarded 'most improved' on the cheerleading squad!
5. One item of food every ? shucks- can't just choose one- coffee and chocolate
6. Do you have a favorite professional runner? Deseree Davila- heard she's 5'2" just like me! I figure, if she can run fast on short legs-maybe I can too!
7. What is one running item you would find it hard to run without?   my iphone because it has a camera-
8. Morning/afternoon/evening runner? morning
9. What are your big races this year?  Moab half, possible Durango Co. half, TCmarathon
10. Are you also a triathlete. no- but I'm a mom- doesn't that have it's own kind of superhero catagory?
11. What do you like better: intense speed work, tempo runs, or long runs? I love the thinking that i'm doing intense speed work & tempo runs...but my average speed has yet to fall below 11.5 mph...so long runs it is! my longest run yet...a mere 14, but it was snotting hard!
me and gang in the play Tom Sawyer
very old photo of my honey with the cute nose and me

the kids

random thoughts
1. I grew up an only child-
2. grew up in minneapolis, mn
Best memories- Mom, Dad, and I would walk Lake Harriet almost every Saturday then stop for bread at Great Harvest
3. Avid reader as a kid--- need to pick that hobby back up
4. College grad- Degree in Speech communications, minor Broadcasting
5. 1st job- Lagerquist (now Thyssen ) elevator---- I was in outside sales selling elevator maintenance
6. Married the boy with the 'cutest nose' I'd ever seen....guess you could say I 'picked' him- heehee
7. Moved to Farmington, NM a little culture shock....
Learned the difference between  'red and green' 
(for those that aren't in the know---that's red and green chili)
8. Play piano for our church choir- teach piano and kindermusik
9. I love Ella, Nat and Bing but can't hate a great zumba tune or nora Jones either
10. Really really want this running thing to sick
11. if i could make running and blogging my job, i'd be in heaven


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