Coffee & The One Legged Wonder
Last week I ran on Monday.....
No run
I meant to, really did
But with hubby out of town last week, it just didn't happen.
Felt kind of bummed.
Friday AM found me drinking coffee
And chatting up a storm, squandering my morning run time.
It was worth it.
But soon the guilt was setting in.
Think my sis-in-law (aka: RunningMommaOf 2) has a sixth sense
Because not much later, I got a txt

Do I?????
OH YEAH!!!!!!
We met up at noon
Clicked the machines on
And we're off....
Conversation flowed between the usual stuff- work, kids- you name it-
The week had been a bit of a blur for us both- a little stress around the edges-
The run was perfect.
So were her new shoes.
I kept trying to snap a pic of them while she ran
They just POP!
But all I could get was the one-legged version of her-
She's just that fast
She's just that fast
And I 'll leave you thinking she's an amazing One leg wonder
Cause- I'm still a little bitter she went shopping for them without me....
Happy Running!