Tip of the week-eye roll worthy-don't judge

Monday February 27th,

Finding myself runless Saturday and Sunday-

I could bore you with details-
But no one wants to hear me whine about having to:
  • fix a heater
  • clean a rental house
  • buy a new wireless modem
Fixing and cleaning is no excuse not to run

But rather a great reason to RUUUUUUUUUNNNNN!

How to get one in?
Early morning run it is---
Alarm set for 4

Up and out by 4:20

Took a route I'd taken just last Sunday and loved.

Little 4.5 mile route

I'd actually been thinking about running it all week since-

So I'm running along, keeping it fun, and my pace is quite nice for me....
Round the corner, walk half way down the block and see a stoplight up ahead.....
I stop and walk

It dawns on me- do I do this all the time, stop halfway down the block, before I get to the stoplight?

Then I think about it a little more...
Not only do I slow down or stop to walk halfway down the block BEFORE I get to the stoplight/crosswalk---
I sprint across it like I'm about to die
Then stop on the other side of the street to catch my breath

What on earth am I thinking?
For someone soooooooooo worried about being slow, you'd think I'd strategise a bit.

So, my tip of the week
Stop AT the stoplight, not a moment before
Walk across-
Then keep on running when you get to the other side

Go ahead, roll your eyes
But for me, this was a breakthrough
Ran 9 miles 5 of which were a half minute or more faster than usual pace
A clean sweep if you will-
And I'm allll about cleaning and breaking things this week!



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