
Last week simply flew by -
With Ryan out of the country for the week- on business
(heehee is Canada really out of the country?)

It really made me appreciate him more
And realize how much a dad and hubby are needed in the home

Little mini training runs on Monday and Friday

Saturday held little hope of miles
Save a tiny miniscule little road race
But still, I was so excited about it

I'd signed our whole family up for a free run put on by the hospital
It's their annual "Goosebumps" race
That highlights the hospital's committment to heart health

A 1 miler
A 3 miler


Perfect opportunity to get everyone out

I signed us up good and early

When I told my hubby I'd signed him up for a race
He gave me "the look"
you know - the one that says
"Don't even think about it"

That was a month ago
And well, I guess he missed us last week too
Because Saturday he laced up his sneakers and together with:
My daughter Kate-11,
My Son, Riley-8
And my little Molly -4
We set off for 1 mile of family fun.

Before the run, I asked my sis-in-law to take a snapshot of our gang
This is newsworthy-
I can't remember the last time we took a family pic!
I think we tried last Easter for one- but someone was crying-
This shot doesnt even have kids looking  at us or all smiling
But I don't care I love it anyway
our family
Took a snapshot of RunningMommaOf2's fam too!
Can you tell I'm super short from the angle?

The actual 1 miler was really non-eventful
My son Riley, and his cousin, J really tore it up!
Molly had alot of energy and sprinted almost the whole way
Hubby and I stayed with Kate
Running is not her friend yet.
We walked, and jogged
It was harder for her than I expected.

I really loved having hubby and kids join in on this run
Don't know if it will be repeated
But it was fun, fairly painless as far as logistics go
And free~

And it made me soooooo proud!


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