
I am very behind on posts
I really really really like to blog each run
It gives me a diary of sorts
To go back to and remember

Last week was very hard
Very discouraged

I almost hit delete
So no one would know

The run you are about to read
Was the turning point

And thanks to that,
This week's training has been wonderfully perfect

So here goes

Been tearing up a lot lately
Ran 4 days last week
Cried every time

Why oh why all these emotions-

My run Thursday night had me wiping tears again
Can't even remember why
Just remember thinking-
I can't go on like this

This is not me


I stopped

Just stopped


Felt like I was trying too hard
Trying to be everybody else

Then I thought about the first day running stuck

The day I just HAD to take a road and try it

Had to take a picture
Had to take it in
Found the joy
(go to post by clicking here)
So Thursday I stopped
Looked around

The trees on the boulevard
They're newbies too
Just like me

I pass them all the time
Taken a photo

I saw buds
The promise of something

Like the runner I want to be

I can do this

I promise


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