11.4 with Moab-esque photo op and Hogan Blessing
Thursday, February 23rd
It's Thursday-
I have been waiting for this day all week, and when I say all week, I mean ALL week.
Thursday is my scheduled long run, and unlike the crazy beginning of the week, THIS run would get done.
My chart said 13 or 14, but as can you see from the title, I only made it to 11.4 before I had to pick up my little sack of potatoes, Molly from school.
Usually I have plenty of time to get the full run in, but I was a bit discombobulated on account of my hubby coming home Wednesday evening, only for him to switch out suitcase clothes, to leave again Thursday morning.
I will say that I give myself a big pat on the back as a honey suitcase packer, on account of the socks.
Running has ruined me and turned me into a sock snob.
I guess you could say I pride myself on keeping him sufficiently SmartWooled
Nothing says I love you, like happy feet- right?
Ah, but this is not a blog about love
I know you are half sad half relieved on hearing this---
Back to my run
You know I started out late.
And you know I had a good excuse.
Began a warmup run up and out the neighborhood, then up Pinion.
Today I determined to run it up to 30th... oh yeah- a great incline of a hill would await me at the intersection of Pinion and 30th-but about 4ish miles or so lay ahead of it. I told myself that by the time I got there, I wouldn't even care about the elevation change.
Wore my Brooks Flows.
Think I just might have to do a review on those puppies---
If that sort of thing is of interest to you, watch for it in the next few days
First few miles were wonderful, and by wonderful, I mean WONDERFUL!
Even shaved some time off my pace with less effort than is respectable--
Past Butler, past Dustin------
Annnnnnnnnnd now we're on this road climbing with no where to turn off.
For a brief moment, I think ---now would be a great time to PANIC-
Am I really going to just run this road forever?
Cause that's what it felt like, looked like, smelled like, tasted-----
That's when I popped my first sportz bean.
I was a little on the unprepared side of my run today--- for some weird reason, I only had 4 sportz beans left in their bag--
Rationing was in order.
Not that I even should need a sportz bean barely mile 4-
But I did 'need'/want a drink
Didn't have one
So sportz bean would have to suffice.
It did- I soldiered on-
Had things on my mind to sort
The run was perfect for this
The wind was not
It was pushing me back
Reminded me that life is like this
2 steps forward -push back
One thing's certain- I'm not doing the 2 steps back bit today
Not in life-not in this run
I think I say something to myself like--"I'm tough"
But I sure as crackers didn't look the part- running into the wind
The road was strong arming me
Looking ahead all I could see was road upon road going up up up up up up
Then I looked to my right

Now that's beautiful
Flat gorgeous
I can run with THAT cheering me on
I bet that's a bit like Moab will feel like,
Only 4ish short weeks till I run my first half!!!!
And that's all it took to get me to the top.
There was more to my run,
Like the fact that I LOVE doing just one turn spontaneous and unplanned
Sometimes I take a road- and it's BAD, leaving you never wanting it again
Others are simply perfect- giving you a new route, great trail, short cut
Today's spontaneous was taking 24th all the way up
Usually 24th takes me to a trail turn off
But today, I wanted to take it all the way, and see where it landed me.
It landed me a 'blessing' of sorts-
You see, as I passed this Hogan type house-
Traditional Navajo home
and out of it was billowing this tanish billow of smoke
The smoke smelled 'dusty', a musty pungent sort of smell, though faint.
It intrigues me
I wonder what the house looks like inside, with it's giant domed top-
I think of Navajo rituals passed down from generation to generation,
Rituals and ceremonies I know nothing about
But the moment I run past, the wind whips the fog-like smoke over me
A thick savory smoke -not reminiscent of campfire
Something very incense-like
I cough, sputter and run on, almost certain I'd been accidentally 'blessed'
It's Thursday-
I have been waiting for this day all week, and when I say all week, I mean ALL week.
Thursday is my scheduled long run, and unlike the crazy beginning of the week, THIS run would get done.
My chart said 13 or 14, but as can you see from the title, I only made it to 11.4 before I had to pick up my little sack of potatoes, Molly from school.
Usually I have plenty of time to get the full run in, but I was a bit discombobulated on account of my hubby coming home Wednesday evening, only for him to switch out suitcase clothes, to leave again Thursday morning.
I will say that I give myself a big pat on the back as a honey suitcase packer, on account of the socks.
Running has ruined me and turned me into a sock snob.
I guess you could say I pride myself on keeping him sufficiently SmartWooled
Nothing says I love you, like happy feet- right?
Ah, but this is not a blog about love
I know you are half sad half relieved on hearing this---
Back to my run
You know I started out late.
And you know I had a good excuse.
Began a warmup run up and out the neighborhood, then up Pinion.
Today I determined to run it up to 30th... oh yeah- a great incline of a hill would await me at the intersection of Pinion and 30th-but about 4ish miles or so lay ahead of it. I told myself that by the time I got there, I wouldn't even care about the elevation change.
Wore my Brooks Flows.
Think I just might have to do a review on those puppies---
If that sort of thing is of interest to you, watch for it in the next few days
First few miles were wonderful, and by wonderful, I mean WONDERFUL!
Even shaved some time off my pace with less effort than is respectable--
Past Butler, past Dustin------
Annnnnnnnnnd now we're on this road climbing with no where to turn off.
For a brief moment, I think ---now would be a great time to PANIC-
Am I really going to just run this road forever?
Cause that's what it felt like, looked like, smelled like, tasted-----
That's when I popped my first sportz bean.
I was a little on the unprepared side of my run today--- for some weird reason, I only had 4 sportz beans left in their bag--
Rationing was in order.
Not that I even should need a sportz bean barely mile 4-
But I did 'need'/want a drink
Didn't have one
So sportz bean would have to suffice.
It did- I soldiered on-
Had things on my mind to sort
The run was perfect for this
The wind was not
It was pushing me back
Reminded me that life is like this
2 steps forward -push back
One thing's certain- I'm not doing the 2 steps back bit today
Not in life-not in this run
I think I say something to myself like--"I'm tough"
But I sure as crackers didn't look the part- running into the wind
The road was strong arming me
Looking ahead all I could see was road upon road going up up up up up up
Then I looked to my right

Now that's beautiful
Flat gorgeous
I can run with THAT cheering me on
I bet that's a bit like Moab will feel like,
Only 4ish short weeks till I run my first half!!!!
And that's all it took to get me to the top.
There was more to my run,
Like the fact that I LOVE doing just one turn spontaneous and unplanned
Sometimes I take a road- and it's BAD, leaving you never wanting it again
Others are simply perfect- giving you a new route, great trail, short cut
Today's spontaneous was taking 24th all the way up
Usually 24th takes me to a trail turn off
But today, I wanted to take it all the way, and see where it landed me.
It landed me a 'blessing' of sorts-
You see, as I passed this Hogan type house-
Traditional Navajo home
and out of it was billowing this tanish billow of smoke
The smoke smelled 'dusty', a musty pungent sort of smell, though faint.
It intrigues me
I wonder what the house looks like inside, with it's giant domed top-
I think of Navajo rituals passed down from generation to generation,
Rituals and ceremonies I know nothing about
But the moment I run past, the wind whips the fog-like smoke over me
A thick savory smoke -not reminiscent of campfire
Something very incense-like
I cough, sputter and run on, almost certain I'd been accidentally 'blessed'
There were other excitements on this run,
But my total and utter disregard for my need of hydration kept me from really enjoying them.
I'm realizing I do need a sip of something at mile 5, and that every time I buck that notion, I set myself up for burnout at mile 8
Today was no different.
But I did find the Natural Foods store has little juice boxes for 55cents-
A happy stumble, to keep in mind for next time
I turn towards home
My run is harder now
I feel like a wind-up doll winding down
Tired, happy, and feeling blessed,
I let myself walk the rest of the way home.