Going mini part 3

Sunday, April 21st
Told myself I'd get an early 5 in before my Sunday walk with the gals.
RunningMommaOf2 planned to run with me- but Saturday night found her feeling a little puny tummy-wise

Alarm went off at a most ungodly hour-
quite bold I thought- being that it WAS Sunday.

I leaned over to hit snooze

You must know-
I have my clock situated so as I have to get at least one leg out of bed to prop myself like a bridge across the divide that is the space between bed and alarm.

Purposeful and useful
This scenario has coaxed me out of bed and awake time and time again without incident - today however- it painfully reminded me that once upon a time I ran minimal.

Pain is still there and strong-

I think I will go back to sleep


By the third time I'd hit snooze, I was getting tired of the routine, and hubby was tired of the sappy country music
Apparently, crooning is not his thing.
I snap to

It's time to face the music and run

I choose my flows
They are therapeutic in the fact that they have that Mogo material in their soles, and would stretch my calves with the lower drop than my ghosts from yesterday.

Glad I ran.
Only 3 miles on the dot-
But I feel good-
I feel great
Run done

Off to the park for my Sunday walk-

Feels good
Feels divine.

And it should
After all, it IS Sunday


Julie said…
"I have my clock situated so as I have to get at least one leg out of bed to prop myself like a bridge across the divide that is the space between bed and alarm." -- This made me laugh. I do the exact same thing.

Great job getting out there for you run again!
Heather said…
Glad to know I'm not the only one!

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