Weed Guy Ducks chasing a Librarian

Tuesday, April 17th

I ran today.
3.67 miles
Not a big number, but man- is it a big deal to me.
Go time would be a small window hollowed out between my a.m. work and picking up Moll's from kinder.
Berg Park sounded nice.
I ran Berg Friday with my friend Karalea,
Had a blast
But forgot to take a photo....
Today I'd remedy that
I started out
Phone rings
Have to take it- it's the weed guy
Good thing too-
He was spraying our rentals and the ditch on our land
Had one of the addresses totally wrong
I feel like a problem solver, and pat myself on the back for answering the phone.
Then I see the geese...
The blond in me likes to call them ducks
There they are, just standing in the middle of the road like they owned the place

I like the framing on the first photo- notice how the arch of the trees mirrors the curve of the trees in the background
They didn't like me taking their photo though- made me snicker
I just had to harass them by shooing them down the road for another shot.
Enough playing..
Time to get to work
The rest of my little run had me picking points to run to-
Or practicing my mad passing skills
OK- so most of the passing was done by someone going one way, while I went the other.
But toward the end of my run, I pass a woman walking
(I recognized her as the story hour gal from the library)
I pass her,
Then take a turn to do a little loop on the back trail to add on to my run,
Run it-
Loop around-
Then it spits me back out, and there she is again,
I have two choices:
  • I could keep my pace, and have to pass her in a few strides
  • Or speed up, and beat her to the merging trails
I chose to speed up
I must have looked fierce- booking it down the trail to beat the librarian!
But look!
At that moment, I was pretty speedy!

It turned out to be a great little run
Weed guy
Chasing a librarian


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