Sunday, April 1st

Another early morning run.
I'm beginning to really look forward to my early Sunday run,
And the brisk walk at the park that follows

A few of us have been walking the park regularly for the past few months on Sundays
Adding a run before it seemed hard core at first, but now- a little luxury
I have a lovely loop of a run that brings me down and around and almost 5 mile loop I've dubbed my "Sunday loop" ahhh it is nice.

I text blasted to see if anyone else was game for the early morning madness.... but ended up this morning going solo.

I worried that going it alone would make me hit snooze and forgo the run all together
But the morning found me rested and eager to be out on my own to see what the run would bring.

I decided to leave Penelope at home (garmin)
And simply use my iphone endomondo app.

As I headed up and out of the neighborhood, my headphones went a little wonky, cutting my music- I reset them, and somehow in that first minute of work, somehow paused endomondo from tracking my run.

about 1.5 miles in, I realized it.

So today turned into a non tracked run.

I have to say-
This run was phenomenal.
I'd been feeling weak, or out of breath all last week, which was worrisome as I begin a new training schedule.

This time, I felt strong and in control
I like to have a focus when I'm running solo, today I chose posture.
Photos from my Moab half show me slouching down-
Today I conciously thought about my core and keeping it strong- so that I ran tall.

I also did a little exercise whenever I wanted to stop
It's a fun little exercise of the senses- to get your mind off of quitting, and on to other things around you.

You simply ask yourself to think about what you:

 Lots of new buds and blooming trees

I smelled pancakes and sausage- didn't like that smell while running- so I tried to focus on other smells....found that I could smell the crisp morning air- the buds and blooms of the flowering plums, It was quite wonderful, once I took time to notice

I heard birds! The sun was just peeking- and the birds were crazy with excitement

I felt the crispness in the air.
Damp, but not humid

And I could feel my legs
They were working, wanted to stop- but weren't tired or sore
I told them they felt good- so KEEP GOING!

Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! Ps 34:8

What a great run. I hadn't had this much fun running in a long time.
To find the joy in just being out, was what I love- and today I found it again.


I was shocked I went so slow when I figured my pace when I got home- but don't even care.
It was wonderful- and wonderful is what will keep me running forever.


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