Talked me into it-

Saturday April 7th,

So--- Saturday rolls around-
It's been 4 days since my last run, and slug doesn't even begin to describe the lifestyle that's so close to setting in because of it.

I hit snooze,
Then turn my alarm off altogether, thinking I'll sleep in just this ONE Saturday.

Hubby says
"you running today?"

"Hmmm think so"- I say with a sleepy yawn and roll over for a few more zzzz's

Five minutes later, hubs inquires again-
"You running?"

I blink awake, sit up and shake my head in disbelief with his new found talent of cattle prodding

"Do YOU want me to run?"
I ask.

He mumbles something about how running is making me look and feel good, and blah blah blah blah

I got stuck on the look good part

Up and out

Silly non- motivating chart says something about a 4 Miler as my long run.

I know I'm supposed to relish the low miles and work on speed, but speed has been elusive, and there is simply nothing glamorous about 4 slow miles.

I'm going rogue

I think I'll put in 10, just for kicks

Banana- gag, it's not ripe

I wait out in the back yard with my arm in the air for Penelope Jane (my garmin) to recognize her need to notice me.

Why do garmins take sooooo long to find me? Is it because I'm short?

The run starts innocently enough-
Wicked slow- but I don't care, I've got miles to log today-

Yeah mile two is even slower,
I think about turning this trek into a 10 mile walk...

I walk

Then magically, I get an endomondo peptalk from RunningMamaOf2's Sis, telling me to enjoy my run

That's all it took to get me going again

Now, I know it sounds silly-
But I absolutely love endomondo simply for it's peptalk feature.

This feature allows your friends who also have the app, to type a message to you that you hear through your headphones. Granted, the message is read by a bored sounding robotic woman's voice- which ads to the fun-
The longer the peptalk the better, and making her say-"holy hallelujah" makes me chuckle- (I don't know how she says it with a straight face!)

But that simple little word of encouragement coming through my headphones in this robot like voice- let's me know I'm not alone
That someone's rooting for me

It's crazy fun

And over the next 10 miles

6 more peptalks from friends egged me on

Teased me

Cheered me on

As I neared home
ViolinRunning made me laugh with her:
"Can you smell the bacon? Almost home! Go! Go! Go! Go!"

So I did


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