My First Attempt at Sporting THE mini

Friday April, 20th
Planning a run at the park this morning
A last minute text from BlueSkyGirl finds she's planning the same.

We meet, and wave to ViolinRunning's orange VW bug, who got there before us-
We hope to cross paths along the way, her training has her running crazy fast.

Thinking I'd be on a solitary run, and a little lethargic for it-
I'd worn my minies to give them a whirl

(click on the link above to take you to Zappos to read more on these shoes)
I'd picked them up at the Goodwill for 6$ a few months ago
I know that sounds weird
But they showed absolutely no sign of wear
And, not knowing how I'd do with something more minimal than my flows had me not wanting to spend an arm and a leg to find out.

I'd used them a day or two here and there for walking around the house...
But never a run

Today would be the day to do it.

We started off.
The run was beautiful
I do think this is the best time of year for running.
The park was equally gorgeous
BlueSkyGirl pointed out the most amazing weeping willow tree...
I need to take a photo of it~

That's the beauty of running the park
It's new and fresh, never the same, different aspects draw us here.

For me it's finding archways in the trees.
She brought me down two paths I'd not been before
The second one had me stopping to take a shot

And the shoes?
I liked the feel of them on the soft paths of gravel and bark best
They felt a little hard on road and pavers
(reading up on them today for this post- I find they are indeed trail shoes! no wonder-)

My calves felt tight, which I was anticipating
But nothing dreadful
I want to run in them again.
And what of ViolinRunning?
Did we cross paths?
Not once did we catch her
Or is it the other way around?
Think she parked and went for coffee
Bwahahahaha! BUSTED!
Just kidding
She slammed down10 miles like it was a glass of milk chasing an Oreo-
Too cool.

As I'm writing this on Sunday,
I have 2 more posts coming on the subject of a newbie and minimal shoes....
If you're interested... keep your eye out for them in the next day or so

'Till then
Run hard, run happy!


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