No Running in the house- and No- I'm Not Running Tomorrow-

Seems like everyone's running these days. Or at least everyone and their mother was out running today.

Don't believe me?

Let's see-
Today I saw:
Fat Chick
'Too-short' shorts Old Man
Scnhazzy Running Mama sporting cute outfit complete with matching jog stroller
Oh- oh- or how about the -'barely running' walmart worker
Running with her ipod & blue walmart vest-
And dont forget-Hunky Dude

Everybody's out running

It's my own fault.
I have every piece of running gear imaginable-
Scads of shoes
Tech tees
Nathan sports belt
SmartWool socks
Compression tops
Wireless headphones
Blah blah blah

But it doesn't even matter.
There's no running in this house
No running to be had

The procrastinating non-motivated side of me has come in-
Sat down on the sofa that was my willpower,
Put up its feet, opened a bag of funyons & cracked a can of Shasta.


I could have run
This morning

But NOOOOO.........
I kept telling myself

"I'll run tomorrow"

Even set up a run with the girls last night for 'tomorrow'

Only to find out, tomorrow never comes- or in my case, does---
But then one of your kiddos gets sick....


Rant over- I'm done with my pity party.

From now on-
No more excuses
If I'm going to run, I'm going to run TODAY-

Like the guy I saw in Friday by ViolinRunning's house.

He just hot laps the neighborhood
Flat hot laps it-
No frills
No excuses
Just runs

Why can't I be more like that?

Keep you posted

To be continued...........


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