The "Long" Run

Finding time to get in a "long" run takes creativity (the term "long" is relative--- your long run may be near or far-- "long" is whatever goal seems just out of reach) Finding the courage to even try- takes naïveté. na·ive·téNoun/ˌnīˌēv(ə)ˈtā/ 1. Lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment. 2. Innocence or unsophistication. Merriam-Webster The Free Dictionary I think today: 1. -"lacking experience, wisdom or judgement", pretty much sums me up- ************* The run had a nice start. Good feel to cadence, easy breathing... Worked a little on pace by way of keeping foot tempo the same, but lengthening stride- found that my shoulders tensed up every time- so backed off and just ran- Air was cool- I've been running early lately- VERY early for me- It's interesting to notice your senses peaked by the slightest things when running alone in the quiet- I've discovered 4am is cooler than 5- 6 is also cooler than 5- Weird-- but it's been tha...