Destination Run

So we decided to do the next best thing--- cheat, and forgo the " roughing it" part- we booked a room at The Peaks Resort in Telluride ( psssssst- don't forget to ask for the "locals" special) and made it a weekend road trip.
The whole way up, all I could think about was how gorgeous a run would be, and how I could make time to sneak one in.
As we got in bed that night, I sheepishly said
"I'd like to go for a run tomorrow."
"Just don't wake me up" came the reply
And it was on.
All night I plotted my run, worried I'd oversleep, wondered if the hills would kill me- -- thought about mileage ( I had 7 scheduled- would I be able to run it?) and speed- (oxymoron that is- my pace is still a slow 14)
Dawn came- or should I say- alarm went off-
I looked outside and stalled--- it was so dark~
Finally ready, I left our room and was jolted awake by the hallway~ can you say~ CRAZY!
Making my way outside, I wondered wich way to go first.
I went left.
Ran into a hill, ran out of road.
The first 10 minutes were like that...
Up a hill~
Up a hill~
Drop off~
It was laughable.
Finally I made my way down a road that "worked" and was free to run.
My first find was a speed machine.
I couldn't help it. Had to try~
So I ran up the hill as fast as I could to trigger my speed.
Couldn't get it above 7~~~ but it made me laugh
Couldn't get a photo for evidence either.... a shot taken later in the morning will have to suffice.
Light was peeking through the trees... I had to get serious if I was to catch the sunrise.
I ran toward the light.
It reflected a golden glow off the pond~
But no sunrise... I craned my neck to see just were it was I should be looking~ Then saw a sign that said something like: Sunrise Lane....
Had Telluride sold the Sunrise?
apparently so~
I ran down I tiny corrodor of condos and took a photo~ not the best~ but got it.
Rounding a corner, I saw my next "find"~
A hiking path, just begging to be run~
Glorious~ every step took me further up the mountain.
Further meant higher.
Higher meant harder~ the path lead me on and did not dissapoint~
The decent brought me back to Mountain Village, and round and round the maze of shops I wove my web, stretching my time and miles...