Pushing Through or Pulling Back

When did my mind decide that 3 miles was nothing- 4 nod worthy- and 5 respectable but not as glorious as 6?

Snobbery in any arena sets oneself up for failure.

That's just what happened to me today.

I was so sure of myself-
"Gonna knock out 3!"- turned into " What knocked me out?"

Today my shin splints came back.  Nothing but painful "wogging"- no smiles-

Just how does one stretch a shin? 

I wogged through my magic carnival lights that cheered me on through my last run, but the magic wasn't there.

I walked-

"Push through it- don't give up" said the ambitious side of me.
"Pull back- give in, and listen to your body" said the cautious .
Tug of war where no one wins---no one looses---what's the point of that?

But there was something to be gained.

Going slow made me 20 minutes later in my trek- and in that 20-- a beautiful sunrise.

That sunrise made me see a path I hadn't seen before through a sculpture by Rae Douglass called "Energy Dance".  http://lightrays.com/?attachment_id=497    

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Lesson learned?  Hope so... I will respect the run no matter how meager..

Though, in all due respect, my run to come is a glorious 6!!
my pic from inside sculpture

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