Fresh Take (forgotten post)

******This post is actually from a few weeks ago- I found it while cleaning up old drafts. If it would have posted it should be inserted after the post,'K-4 running'.

Reading this post really solidified for me just how powerful journaling can be. It took me right back to the run- and the excitement I felt as I met another goal.


My Wednesday run was to be 5 miles.

The wilderness run was out- I'd be running early- no lights.

The college -AGIAN??? And how would I get miles in- run it twice? That sounds fun- not!

But I knew I had to play it safe- 5 would take me a bit of time to complete- and my honey was hoping for an early start to his work day--- pressure on.

Focus would be speed.

Now- every runner you talk to says it's not about speed--- and we truly do believe this- but in reality- it IS ALL about speed-

Every run has me tallying how long my half would take--

Must get faster!

Today I was armed with the same points to ponder as always--- head up, shoulders down, brace your core-----and one new one-- "wheel"

This last point proved helpful. By running in a wheel- like motion I could go faster farther without discomfort or fatigue---

I ran the college- out to pinion hills (unheard of for me- I'm a highway chicken) and even took a gamble and turned off onto an oilfield road that added nicely to my miles.

An amazing run, all because I took time to think about what works for me, while adding new training ideas. Form, form, form.

I went faster, had fun, and finished.

This "fresh take" payed off-

Even my usual spots seemed to smile at my newfound sense of adventure!

****** I still think the idea of the 'wheel' has been the most helpful as I run. I find when I don't focus on this concept I tend to run with a shuffle motion, rather than a fluid one.

Also, this was my first run on Pinion Hills- a big milestone for me. This road has become an important building block to my longer runs.


Thanks for letting me run down memory lane!



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