Had to, Wanted to

Yesterday, Wednesday, was hard, not just for me, but for most people I ran into- just a weird- messed up kind of day.

I skipped my morning exercise class, took forever to get ready, then realized I'd promised my son, Riley, I'd get him to school early to finish homework he'd accidentally left at school.

Rush, rush, rush-

Plod, plod, plod-

The "treadmill" of life surely had us in its grasp-

I was determined Thursday would be different-

I'm realizing that a good day begins the night before-

Looking at my Running Schedule-
I saw I had a 5 mile and an 8 left for the week-

The girls' Saturday run would be a 5 if I joined them- so that left me with 8-

Holy Cow- 8-

I figured up my pace and mileage- it would take me about 2 hours to complete.

"Hang you slow pace!!!!"

I set my alarm for 4:15--- only my clock in my room is set 20 minutes fast- (those of you who know me know why)
so actual time was-------
you do the math-
I don't want to ruin it for myself-

Up and out, I decided to try the "strait and narrow down and back" approach.

It worked

Till mile 3

What is up with that crazy mile 3?

Left calf stung, right hip seared-
Were's the glory in that?

I HAD to walk-

Those of you who live in Farmington, NM- have you ever realized there is a steep ascent on 30th? Neither did I-

But as I saw it, I remembered how pumped I was to run them in Telluride- up I ran chanting:

"Tell-ur-ide". * jog* jog* jog*
"Tell-ur-ide". *jog* jog* jog*

Made it halfway up that silly hill- felt good.

The rest of the run was fun- I realized that the faster you pumped your arms, the faster you go- (heard it - read it- but now I'd finally tried it)

I realized I have a slight fear of running on the dirt when sidewalks end. (there's bushes, weeds and such-- don't bugs, snakes, and rodents live there?)

I realized that when I get bored or slow, I just have to cross the street. ( didn't you mom teach you to run across the street?---)
worked for me every time! haha

I realized I'm thankful to businesses that beautify their property...

I realized that even a "straight and narrow-down and back" run could hold my interest, if I would just open myself up to it.

I found this bridge was so cool to run through- (I always see runners on it- now I know why)

I realized that a desert sunrise is a gift.
I WANTED to walk mile 8---
So I did!


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