Saturday 6 and the shared run

So remember that great group of gals encouraging me on?  Well, every Saturday they get together for a run. My last couple Saturdays were crazy and left me out of the loop- but today was golden, and the run was mine to plan.

I had planned a killer run through the wilderness park- perfect scenery- perfect distance, its only drawback being it was more cross country than flat- a drawback that worried many of us coming off of injuries-

Wilderness park tabled, we would have to run the college loop.

Starting off- I actually worried

" would they like it?"
" would they see what I loved about this run?"

I knew it wouldn't be long enough, and worried how we'd add on---

Funny how a run shared becomes so personal....

They were off -
Their pace an easy 3 faster than mine--

Soon I was in my usual element, alone with the road-- but with the motivation to keep up--- no wogging allowed on this run.

Rounding the halfway mark my heart sank- there was my favorite sculpture, the arch, the wildflower garden--- but no girls--- had they run right past? Did they even see it?

A humming bird flitted by--
it made me relax-

Then I saw them-- those crazy girls were logging miles "waiting" for me - running the baseball field-

I loved them for that-

We ran the sculpture- took a snapshot- caught our breath- and ran on, and on, and on----

Glorious 6 complete!


Karalea said…
What a great read! I'm so glad to see my friends enjoying something that I love so much...can't wait to join you guys one day!

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