The "Long" Run
Finding time to get in a "long" run takes creativity (the term "long" is relative--- your long run may be near or far-- "long" is whatever goal seems just out of reach)
Finding the courage to even try- takes naïveté.
1. Lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
2. Innocence or unsophistication.
The Free Dictionary
I think today:
1. -"lacking experience, wisdom or judgement", pretty much sums me up-
The run had a nice start.
Good feel to cadence, easy breathing...
Worked a little on pace by way of keeping foot tempo the same, but lengthening stride- found that my shoulders tensed up every time- so backed off and just ran-

Air was cool-
I've been running early lately-
VERY early for me-
It's interesting to notice your senses peaked by the slightest things when running alone in the quiet-
I've discovered 4am is cooler than 5-
6 is also cooler than 5-
Weird-- but it's been that way with each of the last 4 runs--- could it be that I heat up after first hour, and relax toward the end of my run- cooling off?
I've discovered I have a keen awareness of the presence of dogs- (was nipped at once-- tore a hole in my running pants--I will never be the same)
Today I knew I heard the slightest jingling of a dog collar- KNEW it----- this at 4:15am dark, dark, dark---couldn't see the dog-- until I spotted it behind me about 100 yards--- master in tow (thank goodness)
I've discovered when I'm running, I have an aversion to smells- especially food smells--
Why must someone be frying something- anything- at 5 am is beyond me-
But back to the run--
I'm in the moment- everything's ticking along like clockwork, I choose rather than turn off on Butler, to go up to Dustin--I turn off into the neighborhood, and check my mileage.
My phone has gone wonky! Endomondo has stopped logging my miles- argggg
What to do-
I restart Endomondo, and try to figure mileage left to go, in my head...
The safe side of me wanted to call it a day- take 30th
toward home-
The crazy side wanted to complete this run-
I went RIGHT-
This was the runners' version of Frost's "Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood"
But today I was NOT sorry I could not travel both! Ha!
Heading up 30th to pinion hills, proved a bit scary- no lights- a sliver of road- a hill.
But what greeted me at the top scared me more-
I realized just exactly where I was--- and could visualize just how far I had left to go.
I gathered what wits I had left and ran. At first it felt fabulous, but soon fatigue from the previous miles, coupled with my anxiousness for what lie ahead- plagued me.
I noticed my left heel, the back of my right knee, the weakness- was I shaking?
I couldn't stop, but I had to slow down- now I was really starting to cave-
Did I go too far?
Would this be my "half"?
I wasn't ready-
I hadn't run my best-
My stinking phone wasn't working!!!!! Arggg!
I tried to focus on the task-
I have to get home-
Short cut- that's what I needed-
If I could just get to Butler, I could take the short cut road through the college- I had to try-
Butler seemed forever away, but I did finally make it.
Still anxious, I worried.
And worried.
And worried.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear-- but my brother-in-law Mike who calmed all my fears! Heehee
Mike is the family marathon-er
We're talking crazy runner--- 20-30 under his belt, many top 10 finishes locally, ran the Boston-- you get the picture.
He simply ran with me for a half block- told me I had about 1 and a 1/2 miles left- made me feel like I could make it-and was gone as quickly as he came. Man- can he run!
I made it through the college short cut, and home-

My wonky phone said only 10 miles-- that WAS my goal, but I knew it had to be wrong-- surely I'd run farther-
so I drove it--

Drat- only 10
I never thought I'd run ten-- always seemed just out of reach-
Guess THAT is a long run for me!
Oh wait--- WAS a long run!

Finding the courage to even try- takes naïveté.
1. Lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
2. Innocence or unsophistication.
The Free Dictionary
I think today:
1. -"lacking experience, wisdom or judgement", pretty much sums me up-
The run had a nice start.
Good feel to cadence, easy breathing...
Worked a little on pace by way of keeping foot tempo the same, but lengthening stride- found that my shoulders tensed up every time- so backed off and just ran-

Air was cool-
I've been running early lately-
VERY early for me-
It's interesting to notice your senses peaked by the slightest things when running alone in the quiet-
I've discovered 4am is cooler than 5-
6 is also cooler than 5-
Weird-- but it's been that way with each of the last 4 runs--- could it be that I heat up after first hour, and relax toward the end of my run- cooling off?
I've discovered I have a keen awareness of the presence of dogs- (was nipped at once-- tore a hole in my running pants--I will never be the same)
Today I knew I heard the slightest jingling of a dog collar- KNEW it----- this at 4:15am dark, dark, dark---couldn't see the dog-- until I spotted it behind me about 100 yards--- master in tow (thank goodness)
I've discovered when I'm running, I have an aversion to smells- especially food smells--
Why must someone be frying something- anything- at 5 am is beyond me-
But back to the run--
I'm in the moment- everything's ticking along like clockwork, I choose rather than turn off on Butler, to go up to Dustin--I turn off into the neighborhood, and check my mileage.
My phone has gone wonky! Endomondo has stopped logging my miles- argggg
What to do-
I restart Endomondo, and try to figure mileage left to go, in my head...
The safe side of me wanted to call it a day- take 30th
toward home-
The crazy side wanted to complete this run-
I went RIGHT-
This was the runners' version of Frost's "Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood"
But today I was NOT sorry I could not travel both! Ha!
Heading up 30th to pinion hills, proved a bit scary- no lights- a sliver of road- a hill.
But what greeted me at the top scared me more-
I realized just exactly where I was--- and could visualize just how far I had left to go.
I gathered what wits I had left and ran. At first it felt fabulous, but soon fatigue from the previous miles, coupled with my anxiousness for what lie ahead- plagued me.
I noticed my left heel, the back of my right knee, the weakness- was I shaking?
I couldn't stop, but I had to slow down- now I was really starting to cave-
Did I go too far?
Would this be my "half"?
I wasn't ready-
I hadn't run my best-
My stinking phone wasn't working!!!!! Arggg!
I tried to focus on the task-
I have to get home-
Short cut- that's what I needed-
If I could just get to Butler, I could take the short cut road through the college- I had to try-
Butler seemed forever away, but I did finally make it.
Still anxious, I worried.
And worried.
And worried.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear-- but my brother-in-law Mike who calmed all my fears! Heehee
Mike is the family marathon-er
We're talking crazy runner--- 20-30 under his belt, many top 10 finishes locally, ran the Boston-- you get the picture.
He simply ran with me for a half block- told me I had about 1 and a 1/2 miles left- made me feel like I could make it-and was gone as quickly as he came. Man- can he run!
I made it through the college short cut, and home-

My wonky phone said only 10 miles-- that WAS my goal, but I knew it had to be wrong-- surely I'd run farther-
so I drove it--

Drat- only 10
I never thought I'd run ten-- always seemed just out of reach-
Guess THAT is a long run for me!
Oh wait--- WAS a long run!
