Places to go~

How did you sneak up on me like that?
I have to get a run in, but how?

I'm a rare breed~ I think technically you would call me a: Stay~At~Home~Mom~Who~Works~Part~Time

Say what!?
Does that even make sense?
I guess that makes me a part time mom?

But I digress~

My morning had me teaching three classes (part of my part time work) with 50 minutes to spare before the part time mommy side of me had to pick up Molly from preschool.

Do I dare?
Do I dare run a Berg Park 3?

I do~
and I did~

My gritty determined game face must have looked funny as I started out, because two loafers sitting on the wall heckled me as I ran past.

I was running for Molly- no stopping me now.
I ran.

*3 miles later,  I was back at the beginning, two loafers still sitting.
I dared them with my eyes to heckle me again.

I would have said, " I just ran 3, how far did you go?"

But, no heckling, they just stared.
They must have known.

*(actually it was 2.7 argggg  ~ the perfectionist side of me chafed at that~ no time left ~ should have run faster)


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