Richard Simmons Zumba Running?

Today, CRAZY was in the house!  Everything seemed to fall apart-
Discombobulated ~ not even long enough to describe the day.

I knew I had to get a run in to meet my weekly mile goals~

But the time I had the kids even close to ready for the night, it was already 8:30.  Should I even try?

Starting out, I thought about a focus for my run-- should it be breath controll?  Cadence?  (I'd just read an article on cadence, why not?)

But the run had other plans.  "Why not just run for fun?" it said. 

Soooo glad it was dark, because what happened next can only be painfully described as- "Richard Simmons Does Zumba Running!"--

I ran, and hopscotched, and altogether did whatever it was I wanted to do.  I ran like a kid- I smiled-  I explored curvy paths instead of straight.  I just "ran with it".  One spot was all lit up like the entrance to a carnival ride- even the lights cheered me on.

Half way mark came and went.

Run was done. 

Did my time miraculously soar? 


But my spirits did!


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