~Other half, Better half, MY half~

Today I started to register for my first half-marathon-then stopped.

All the other girls had registered long before me- why was I hesitating?

One word -


My honey (AKA: my "better half") is in the midst of the most challenging point of his life to date.

Not only is he finishing a MSMA degree from Purdue--- it's his hardest, and last semester.

Top that salad off with the kickoff of his startup engineering firm- spur of the moment business trips and long hours abound-

Add to that, a little, make that BIG, back issue- (I have to call the chiropractor for him tomorrow)

Season it with three crazy, button pushing children-

And you have a recipe for disaster.

Sure- I've got a ride for the 2-3 hour trek there and back- and yes- there's strength in numbers- to know just which hotel to book- and surely my in-laws would watch the kids.

But, it just seems like I'm forcing it---

A "Half" is a Half? Right?

I mean- do you have to get numbers and a t-shirt for your 21k to count?

Man--- did I cry this afternoon-realizing it's just not my time- I'm still tearing up-

But it IS going to be ok.

This is how I reassure myself-

I don't like crowds-

A $71 t-shirt?   I look hideous in T-shirts-

I don't like to take tasters at grocery stores- why would I start taking tasters and drink samples on a run?

My legs still flap when I run- I don't want to hurt someone-( ok that is a bit of a stretch- but it made me laugh when I thought that one up)

My pace time puts me at least 40 minutes out from the rest of the girls- how "victorious"- and "glorious" would that be *yawn*

"They" say a race is personal-
Worrying about all these silly things makes it not-

I'm not going to go there-
Going to go around it-

The "other half" is my solution.

Still sad-
But not discouraged-

I WILL do MY half-
I will train and complete my run-
I will buy something to commemorate it-(jewelry anyone?)

I will celebrate-

Just not with a t- shirt, numbers, and a road trip-



Anonymous said…
Thanks Heather, I enjoyed the thoughts. Run that YOUR half like you've never run it before!

BTW, what is the engineering firm?
Mari said…
I remember, in college, when you made me laugh so hard stating that when you run, your thighs have "a 3-second lag time"....bahahaha. I have used that phrase oh so many times since...and ALWAYS think of my Heather!!!
Heather said…
Soooooooo too true mari!
Today I was having coffee with some friends, and one of them said she needed a sports bra for her bootie cause it moved so much!!!! Heehee
We girls have all the fun!

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