Perfect Match-

Slept in.

While this may be needed or desirable, the consequences of a sleepover-sleep-in
is drama trama in the getting out the door category.

French toast-
cheesy cauliflower-

These were the breakfast orders.

Yes, my Molly ordered cheesy cauliflower for breakfast- well, actually it was Broccoli, but we were out, so I told her cauliflower was white broccoli, and she was on board.

Time for a run.

Up out and down.

Burning on the sides of my calves.

Run - shuffle- walk,
Run - shuffle- walk,




These shoes were going to be the undoing of me.

But I had decided last night to run the wilderness park, and that was motivation enough.

It took about two miles of this crazy lumping along for my calves to finally stretch, relax, and ready themselves for the work.

Just in time too, the ascent to the wilderness park was ahead.

Inside the park, I'm planning to take the pavement- but I see something that catches my eye--

I have to take it- my shoes are trail shoes after all-

Oh my!


This is more like it!

The explorer in me let loose and ran-

Sandstone outcroppings

I dodged cactus, and jumped over pinion branches.

I found the fun again.

I stopped and admired the day-

Got a text from my honey: "was I OK?"

Not just OK-I was GREAT!

Heading home, I saw a patch of wildflowers-

I smiled- then stopped-

Perfect match!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said…
LOVE the shoe photo. Your girlfriend just picked up her Mizuno's and mentioned your blog. Will be following and cheering you on. Your 3:45 start time will inspire me to NOT feel too tired for a 5:00 am wake up. Thanks, Browns.

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