Wish Lust- I Mean- List

What's the point of having a running habit, unless you can buy stuff to support it?

Of course, most if us have a grocery bill, or hubby looking over our shoulder, keeping us in check.

But what if money weren't an option, and you could Visa your way to whatever your heart desired-what gadgety gizmo or fabulous frock would be on your 'lust list'?

Here's mine:
(In no particular order)

Drum roll please-

Necklace from endureshop.com

Muscle Up tank

Happy Girl running skirt

Wonder Under Crop

Smart wool patchwork

Mizuno wave runner 14

I sooooo think this would make a gorgeous running ensemble-


Feel free to message me and inquire regarding my sizes, should you wish to make this runner's fantasy come true-

AND should you see any or all of these lovely pieces running about town--- remember-

I saw it first-

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Karalea said…
Love it! Especially the capris! You know you're really "into" running when you get a gear addiction...I have a whole drawer full of my running clothes...and last night I was looking through my Oct issue of Runner's World and saw Brooks' newest shoe and told Cody, " I want that for my next shoe!" Lol
Heather said…
So glad you mentioned Brooks's shoes! I just went today to Browns and tried on the Mizunos in my 'lust List' and they are too narrow--- I felt like one of the ugly step sisters- Ha

I need to try Brooks next- love the colors-

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